BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-19-93 (21:00) Number: 368 From: QUINN TYLER JACKSON Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Formula Solver 1.4 1/ Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
________O_/________________________| SNIP |______________________\_O_______ O \ | HERE | / O 'This file created by PostIt! v4.0. '>>> Start of page 1. ' THE * RDF14.BAS ' JACK MACK * ' RECURSIVE * *** * * ' DESCENT * * * * ' ALGEBRAIC ****** * * * * ' FORMULA * `****' * * ' AND ** *************************************** ' DEFINABLE * * ' FUNCTIONS * * ' ENGINE *****' * * * ' * * * ' * * * * ' * * * * 5(100-x+2b) * * * ' * * * * * * * ' * * * ************* * * * ' * * * * `****** ' * * * 3!+35y * * ' * * * * * ' * * * * `****' ' v1.4 * * * ' Public Domain Code Written By Quinn Tyler Jackson ' ' ' * * * ' **************************************************** ' *ALL FUTURE VERSIONS WILL LOSE QBASIC COMPATIBILITY* ' *** AND WILL ADOPT PDS/VBDOS EXTENSIONS, SO *** ' * GRAB THIS ONE WHILE YOU CAN! * ' **************************************************** ' * * * ' ' ' DEDICATION: ' ' This program is dedicated to my wife Laleh, and our three children, ' Ozra, Shahraam, and Arehzou, who give up a lot of their time with ' me so I can program at this infernal keyboard! ' ' The superlative, full-featured equation solver, featuring: ' ' 1. STANDARD AND ADVANCED OPERATORS ' 2. STANDARD PRECEDENCE SOLVING ALGORITHM ' 3. ASSIGNABLE VARIABLES WITH DESCRIPTIVE NAMES ' 4. NEW TO VERSION 1.4!!!! Function definition! ' ' I've supplied the module, you figure it out! DECLARE FUNCTION funSolveEquation! (InText$) DECLARE FUNCTION fqjEval! (InText$) DECLARE FUNCTION fqjVAL! (InText$) DECLARE FUNCTION fqjFetchVar! (VarName$) DECLARE FUNCTION fqjInList% (OpTyp$, Op$) DECLARE FUNCTION fqjSolveFormula! (InToken$) DECLARE FUNCTION fqjEvalErrMsg$ () DECLARE FUNCTION fqjEvaluate! (InText$) DECLARE SUB sjfParse (Word$(), Txt$, Spt$, WordNum%) DECLARE SUB sqjApplyOp (Op$, x!, y!) DECLARE SUB sqjAssignFun (FunctName$, Formula$, Protection%) DECLARE SUB sqjAssignVar (VarName$, VarValue!, Protection%) DECLARE SUB sqjDesParse (Phase%, x!) DECLARE SUB sqjGetToken () CONST TRUE = -1 CONST FALSE = NOT TRUE CONST ASSIGNMENT = ":=" ' This can be changed to suit your needs ' Using a simple = is possible, since ' logical ' equality is a double == with this parser, ' but the PASCAL standard := is easier to ' deal ' with as an assignment operator for some. ' Operator classes PRECEDENCE '--------------------------------------------------- CONST POWER = "^}?**>><<!`#" ' FIRST CONST MULTDIV = "*/\%" ' SECOND CONST ADDSUB = "+-" ' THIRD CONST LOGICAL = "&|=~<=<>==>" ' FOURTH CONST UNARY = "!#`" ' UNARY operators DIM SHARED WHITESPACE AS STRING DIM SHARED OPERATOR AS STRING CONST OperatorClass = 1 CONST DigitClass = 2 CONST FunctionClass = 3 CONST MAXLEVELS = 10 ' Numbers of levels of nesting allowed CONST MAXCOMMANDS = 10 ' Number of commands per statement CONST MAXPARAMS = 10 ' Number of parameters in a function allowed CONST SYMMAX = 200 ' Total number of symbols allowed CONST VARMAX = 100 ' Total number of variables allowed CONST FUNMAX = 100 ' Total number of definable functions allowed CONST SYSMAX = 25 TYPE SymbolTableType SymName AS STRING * 30 ' Name of the symbol SymLvl AS INTEGER ' Level that it was assigned SymType AS INTEGER ' Whether it is a variable or function TabPtr AS INTEGER ' Ptr to data tables END TYPE ' Used by SymType CONST SymVARIABLE = 0 CONST SymFUNCTION = 1 CONST PROTECTED = -1 CONST UNPROTECTED = 1 DIM SHARED ErrorCode AS INTEGER DIM SHARED WarningCode AS INTEGER ' Error code constants CONST eqjDivisionByZero = 1 CONST eqjProtectedFunction = 2 CONST eqjProtectedVariable = 3 CONST eqjSymbolTableFull = 4 CONST eqjVariableTableFull = 5 CONST eqjFucntionTableFull = 6 CONST eqjMismatchedParenthesis = 7 CONST eqjUndefinedVariable = 8 CONST eqjFunctionDefaultUsed = 9 CONST eqjSyntaxError = 10 ' Variables global to this module... DIM SHARED SymTable(SYMMAX) AS SymbolTableType ' Table holds symbols DIM SHARED VarTable(VARMAX) AS SINGLE ' Table hold variable_ data DIM SHARED ParTable(FUNMAX) AS STRING ' Table holds function_ parameters DIM SHARED ForTable(FUNMAX) AS STRING ' Table holds function formulas DIM SHARED SysTable(SYSMAX) AS STRING DIM SHARED SymPtr AS INTEGER ' Points to highest symbol in table DIM SHARED VariPtr AS INTEGER ' Points to highest variable in table DIM SHARED FunPtr AS INTEGER ' Points to highest function in table DIM SHARED LvlPtr AS INTEGER ' Indicates the current level being ' evaluated >>> Continued to next message * OLX 2.1 TD * A program is just a big bug that happened to work.... --- Maximus/2 2.01wb
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