Area: Quik_Bas Msg: #316 Date: 03-18-93 20:34 (Public) From: MARTY DUPLISSEY To: Robert Church Subject: DOS Date and Time stamps
Blabbering as if I knew what I was talking about! In a msg of <16 Mar 93>, Robert Church mumbled incoherently to All: RC> How do you convert the bit-mapped DOS date and time stamps in the DTA RC> to QB useable variables? I'd like to convert them to INTEGERs for: RC> Month%, Day%, Year%, Hour%, Minute%, Second% This is a part of a post I snagged a while back. I appologize to the original poster as I can't remember who it was.<g> TYPE DTADatatype Unused AS STRING * 21 attr AS STRING * 1 Time AS INTEGER Date AS INTEGER FileSize AS LONG FileName AS STRING * 13 END TYPE FSz& = DTA.FileSize Yr% = (DTA.Date AND &H7FFF) \ 512 + 80 IF DTA.Date < 0 THEN Yr% = Yr% + 64 IF Yr% > 99 THEN Yr% = Yr% - 100 Mon% = ((DTA.Date AND &H7FFF) \ 32) AND &HF Dy% = DTA.Date AND &H1F Hr% = (DTA.Time AND &H7FFF) \ 2048 IF DTA.Time < 0 THEN Hr% = Hr% + 16 Min% = ((DTA.Time AND &H7FFF) \ 32) AND &H3F Sec% = (DTA.Time AND &H1F) * 2 Nm$ = DTA.FileName J% = INSTR(Nm$, CHR$(0)) Nm$ = LEFT$(Nm$, J% - 1) attr$ = STRING$(6, 32) IF (ASC(DTA.attr) AND &H20) <> 0 THEN MID$(attr$, 1, 1) = "A" IF (ASC(DTA.attr) AND &H10) <> 0 THEN MID$(attr$, 2, 1) = "D" IF (ASC(DTA.attr) AND &H2) <> 0 THEN MID$(attr$, 3, 1) = "H" IF (ASC(DTA.attr) AND &H1) <> 0 THEN MID$(attr$, 4, 1) = "R" IF (ASC(DTA.attr) AND &H4) <> 0 THEN MID$(attr$, 5, 1) = "S" IF (ASC(DTA.attr) AND &H8) <> 0 THEN MID$(attr$, 6, 1) = "V" MARTY --- GoldED 2.40 * Origin: World Link, Longview,TX.USA OS/2 (903-643-7607) (1:398/1)
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