ELIMDUPE part 3 of 4

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-17-93 (16:43)             Number: 328
From: EARL MONTGOMERY              Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: ELIMDUPE part 3 of 4           Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Msg#: 3 >>>>>> Continued from last message: ELIMDUPE.BAS >>>>>>>
     DEF SEG
     de2 = de2 + 1
     f2.nam$(de2) = f2.name$
     inregs.ax = &H4F00
     CALL interruptx(&H21, inregs, outregs)
     cy = outregs.flags AND 1
     IF i = 0 THEN
     END IF
     IF de1 > de2 THEN endofloop = de1:  ELSE endofloop = de2
     FOR x = 1 TO endofloop
     FOR Y = 1 TO endofloop
     IF f1.nam$(x) = f2.nam$(Y) THEN GOSUB duplicatefound
     GOTO exitorcontinue
LOCATE 10, 4: PRINT STRING$(40, " ")
LOCATE 11, 4: PRINT STRING$(40, " ")
LOCATE 12, 4: PRINT STRING$(40, " ")
LOCATE 10, 4: PRINT "(1) "; n1$; : PRINT "          (2) " + n2$
LOCATE 11, 4: PRINT "Duplicate File Name "; : PRINT f1.nam$(x)
LOCATE 12, 4: INPUT "From which directory (1 or 2)"; dn
IF dn = 1 THEN path$ = drive$ + n1$ + CHR$(0)
IF dn = 2 THEN path$ = drive$ + n2$ + CHR$(0)
IF dn <> 1 AND dn <> 2 THEN BEEP: GOTO tryagain
inregs.es = -1
inregs.ax = &H3B00
inregs.ds = VARSEG(path$)
inregs.dx = SADD(path$)
CALL interruptx(&H21, inregs, outregs)
KILL temp$
PRINT "Error is code "; : PRINT ERR
PRINT "Fatal error returning to DOS"
path$ = drive$ + tempdir$ + CHR$(0)
inregs.es = -1
inregs.ax = &H3B00
inregs.ds = VARSEG(path$)
inregs.dx = SADD(path$)
CALL interruptx(&H21, inregs, outregs)
LOCATE 10, 4: PRINT STRING$(40, " ")
LOCATE 11, 4: PRINT STRING$(40, " ")
LOCATE 12, 4: PRINT STRING$(40, " ")
IF n1$ = "" THEN LOCATE 10, 4: PRINT "C:\" ELSE LOCATE 10, 4: PRINT n1$;
IF n2$ = "" THEN LOCATE 10, 20: PRINT "C:\" ELSE LOCATE 10, 20: PRINT n2$
LOCATE 11, 4: PRINT f1.nam$(x); : LOCATE 11, 20: PRINT f2.nam$(Y)
temp$ = f1.nam$(x)
LOCATE 12, 4: INPUT "Delete one of these files"; q$
q$ = UCASE$(q$): IF q$ = "Y" THEN GOTO delete:  ELSE RETURN
PRINT "No duplicates found or all duplicates have been processed."
INPUT "Do you wish to check other directories"; q$
q$ = UCASE$(q$)
' >>>>>>> Continued on next message >>>>>>>

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Rabbit and Snake's BBS - Richardson, Texas (1:124/6108)
Outer Court
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