BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-15-93 (15:41) Number: 356 From: DANNY ROBINSON Refer#: NONE To: ROB MCKEE Recvd: NO Subj: Carrier detection Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
I tried out your carrier detect routine. You should look over it again. I wrote a small program which will dial the number to one of my local BBS's and then enter an endless loop which monitors the carrier using your routine and prints the result. It returned 0 even when carrier was present. I did rewrite it somewhat, but I don't think I did anything which would alter the result returned... DEFINT A-Z SUB DetectCarrier(cd) SELECT CASE Port ' This variable was COMMON SHARED ' throughout the program. Port=1 CASE 1 b% = &H3F8 CASE 2 b% = &H2F8 CASE 3 b% = &H3E8 CASE 4 b% = &H2E8 END SELECT cd = ((INP(b%) + 6) AND &H80) > 0 if cd = -1 THEN REM * Carrier detected * END SUB Did I do anything wrong? I would use this routine if it would work. The fossil carrier detect routine I have works great on every machine I've tried it on except a friend's Packard Bell 386SX/16. It returns carrier=true no matter what. Could be a dip switch on the modem, or it could be because it is a non- standard machine. I don't know. I'd like to have a carrier detect routine that would work on all systems regardless of standard/non-standard or if a fossil is loaded or not. Thanks. (*Danny*) --- * Origin: Someone stole my origin line! (1:2260/9)
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