BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-13-93 (22:59) Number: 299 From: JOHN GALLAS Refer#: NONE To: CALVIN FRENCH Recvd: NO Subj: Badly Needed! Bin2string Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
CF>relatively FAST decimal 2 binary function, as well as a binary 2 CF>decimal function to go with it. The binary function needs to be CF>put in a string ($), so that I can deal with it. I'm not just CF>'too lazy' to write it, the fact is that I don't think I could A while ago someone posted a program to do all kinds of convertions, bin2int, bin2hex, int2bin, etc. Unfortunatly, I don't have the authors name who wrote this little beauty -- (If you're reading this Mr Author, can you please reply so I can put your name with the file?) -- I hope it helps! DEFINT A-Z DECLARE FUNCTION Bin2Hex$ (Bin$) DECLARE FUNCTION Bin2Int% (Bin$) DECLARE FUNCTION Hex2Bin$ (Hcs$) DECLARE FUNCTION Hex2Int% (Hcs$) DECLARE FUNCTION Int2Bin$ (Dec%) DECLARE FUNCTION Int2Hex$ (Dec%) DEFSNG A-Z FUNCTION Bin2Hex$ (Bin$) Bin2Hex$ = Int2Hex$(Bin2Int%(Bin$)) END FUNCTION FUNCTION Bin2Int% (Bin$) FOR y = LEN(Bin$) TO 1 STEP -1 IF MID$(Bin$, y, 1) = "1" THEN ax% = ax% + (2 ^ z) z = z + 1 NEXT Bin2Int% = ax% END FUNCTION FUNCTION Hex2Bin$ (Hcs$) Hcs$ = UCASE$(Hcs$) lc = LEN(Hcs$) FOR x = 1 TO lc SELECT CASE MID$(Hcs$, x, 1) CASE "0" Out$ = Out$ + "0000" CASE "1" Out$ = Out$ + "0001" CASE "2" Out$ = Out$ + "0010" CASE "3" Out$ = Out$ + "0011" CASE "4" Out$ = Out$ + "0100" CASE "5" Out$ = Out$ + "0101" CASE "6" Out$ = Out$ + "0110" CASE "7" Out$ = Out$ + "0111" CASE "8" Out$ = Out$ + "1000" CASE "9" Out$ = Out$ + "1001" CASE "A" Out$ = Out$ + "1010" CASE "B" Out$ = Out$ + "1011" CASE "C" Out$ = Out$ + "1100" CASE "D" Out$ = Out$ + "1101" CASE "E" Out$ = Out$ + "1110" CASE "F" Out$ = Out$ + "1111" END SELECT NEXT Hex2Bin$ = Out$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION Hex2Int% (Hcs$) Hcs$ = UCASE$(Hcs$) Hex2Int% = Bin2Int%(Hex2Bin$(Hcs$)) END FUNCTION FUNCTION Int2Bin$ (Dec%) tdec% = Dec% DO WHILE tdec% > 0 IF tdec% / 2 = tdec% \ 2 THEN Bin$ = "0" + Bin$ ELSEIF tdec% / 2 <> tdec% \ 2 THEN Bin$ = "1" + Bin$ END IF tdec% = tdec% \ 2 LOOP Int2Bin$ = Bin$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION Int2Hex$ (Dec%) Int2Hex$ = HEX$(Dec%) END FUNCTION * OLX 2.1 TD * *'M ST*P*D - I'd like to buy a vowel Pat, an 'O' --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: Command Line BBS =Mpls. MN= V.32bis [612-788-6685] (1:282/2007)
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