formula solver 4/7

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-13-93 (22:26)             Number: 337
From: QUINN TYLER JACKSON          Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: formula solver 4/7             Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'>>> Start of page 4.

SUB sqjApplyOp (Op$, r, h)

' This is the meat of the operator section, and can be
modified to ' includ ANY symbol as an operator, or any two
byte symbol combination. ' Any symbol added has to be added
to the constant that sets its ' level of precedence.

    CASE "-"    ' subtraction
        r = r - h
    CASE "+"    ' addition
        r = r + h
    CASE "*"    ' multiplication
        r = r * h
    CASE "/"    ' division
        r = r / h
    CASE "\"    ' integer division
        r = r \ h
    CASE "%"    ' modulo division
        r = r MOD h
    CASE "^", "**"  ' exponentation
        r = r ^ h
    CASE "]"    ' the rth root of h
        r = h ^ (1 / r)
    CASE "?"    ' random number from 0 to h, to r decimal places
        r = (INT(RND * h * 10 ^ r)) / 10 ^ r
    CASE "<<"   ' bitshift left h by r bits
        r = INT(h) * 2 ^ INT(r)
    CASE ">>"   ' bitshift right h by r bits
        r = INT(h) \ 2 ^ INT(r)
    CASE "<"    ' logical less than than
        r = r < h
    CASE "<=", "=<" ' logical less than or equal to
        r = r <= h
    CASE ">"    ' logical greater than
        r = r > h
    CASE ">=", "=>" ' logical greater than or equal to
        r = r >= h
    CASE "=="    ' logical equality
        r = r = h
    CASE "<>" ' logical inequality
        r = r <> h
    CASE "&"    ' bitwise AND
        r = r AND h
    CASE "|"    ' bitwise OR
        r = r OR h
    CASE "~"    ' bitwise XOR
        r = r XOR h


SUB sqjAssignVar (VarName$, VarValue)

    ' First we see if this variable is already in the list
    FOR i% = 1 TO VariPtr
        IF VarMem(i%).Nom = VarName$ THEN
            ' Since it was, just change its value
            VarMem(i%).Valu = VarValu
            EXIT SUB
        END IF
    NEXT i%

    ' Since it wasn't, put it there
    VariPtr = VariPtr + 1

'>>> Continued on page 5.

--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
 * Origin: The Nibble's Roost, Richmond BC Canada 604-244-8009 (1:153/918)
Outer Court
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