BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-13-93 (14:52) Number: 266 From: JEFF FREEMAN Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: ansisub 3/4 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'>>> Start of page 3. DIM Parm(9): ansi$ = MID$(ansi$, 3) + ";" P = INSTR(ansi$, ";") WHILE P N = N + 1: Parm(N) = VAL(ansi$) ansi$ = MID$(ansi$, P + 1): P = INSTR(ansi$, ";") WEND SELECT CASE ASC(Cmnd$) CASE 109 FOR c = 1 TO N SELECT CASE Parm(c) CASE 0: Fc = 7: Bc = 0: Bl = 0: Hi = 0 CASE 1: Hi = 8 CASE 5: Bl = 16 CASE 30: Fc = 0 CASE 31: Fc = 4 CASE 32: Fc = 2 CASE 33: Fc = 6 CASE 34: Fc = 1 CASE 35: Fc = 5 CASE 36: Fc = 3 CASE 37: Fc = 7 CASE 40: Bc = 0 CASE 41: Bc = 4 CASE 42: Bc = 2 '>>> Continued on page 4. --- * Origin: WarWorld's point away from home... (1:124/7006.1)
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Moths in the Machine: The Power and Perils of Programming
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