BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-02-93 (15:33) Number: 108 From: SEAN PAGE Refer#: NONE To: ZACK JONES Recvd: NO Subj: Re: Disabling Break Key Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Here is source code that proves that it CAN be done in QB!!! DIM OLD%(4) DEF SEG=0 FOR I=&H6C TO &H6F OLD%(I-&H6C)=PEEK(I) NEXT POKE &H6C,&H53 POKE &H6D,&HFF POKE &H6E,&H0 POKE &H6F,&HF0 DEF SEG And to reset it to active again: DEF SEG=0 FOR I=&H6C TO &H6F POKE I,OLD%(I-&H6C) NEXT DEF SEG I got this source from a doc on peeks and pokes... If anyone else wants it, I can upload it... --- Opus-CBCS 1.79.x * Origin: Bob's Answering Machine - Phx, AZ - (1:114/17.0)
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