BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 07-17-92 (20:33) Number: 52 From: MATT HART Refer#: NONE To: BOB SEWELL Recvd: NO Subj: COPY command from QB Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
BS> Anyone know how to access the DOS COPY command from within QB, ' FILECOPY.BAS Matt Hart ' ' Copy a file ' ' For error trapping, compile with /X DEFINT A-Z 'ON ERROR GOTO ErrorTrap ' Uncomment to trap disk errors C$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(COMMAND$)) FromFile$ = LEFT$(C$,INSTR(C$," ")-1) ToFile$ = MID$(C$,INSTR(C$," ")+1) IF FromFile$ = "" OR ToFile$ = "" THEN PRINT "To run test program:" PRINT " C:\>filecopy fromfile tofile" END ENDIF CALL FileCopy(FromFile$,ToFile$,SPACE$(4096)) Ending: END ' Uncomment below for error trapping 'ErrorTrap: ' PRINT "Error ";Err;" has occurred." ' PRINT "Press ENTER to resume or ESC to exit" ' DO ' A$=INKEY$ ' LOOP UNTIL A$=CHR$(27) OR A$=CHR$(13) ' IF A$=CHR$(13) THEN ' RESUME ' ELSE ' RESUME Ending ' ENDIF ' Buffer$ - up to 32767. Larger sizes will increase memory ' requirement but decrease copy time for large files. SUB FileCopy(FromFile$,ToFile$,Buffer$) FF = FreeFile OPEN "B",FF,FromFile$ TF = FreeFile OPEN "B",TF,ToFile$ A& = LOF(FF) B& = LEN(Buffer$) IF A& \ B& > 0& THEN FOR i& = 1& TO A&\B& GET FF,,Buffer$ PUT TF,,Buffer$ NEXT ENDIF B& = A& MOD B& IF B& > 0& THEN Buffer$ = SPACE$(B&) GET FF,,Buffer$ PUT TF,,Buffer$ ENDIF CLOSE TF,FF END SUB --- * Origin: Midnight Micro! V.32/REL (918)451-3306 (1:170/600)
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