BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 02-21-93 (10:05) Number: 233 From: QUINN TYLER JACKSON Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: FNT2COM.BAS Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
' FNT2COM version 1.1 ' ' Written by Quinn Tyler Jackson ' ' This program turns the resident VGA font into an executable COM ' file that, when run, restores the font that was captured. ' QBS: Yes! TYPE ImageType Jump AS STRING * 3 FontData AS STRING * 4096 Desc AS STRING * 32 DescTrailer AS STRING * 2 Notice AS STRING * 64 CRTrailer AS STRING * 3 ASM AS STRING * 25 END TYPE DEFINT A-Z DIM File AS ImageType CLS PRINT PRINT "FNT2COM version 1.1 (Public Domain Version)" PRINT "Written by Quinn Tyler Jackson" PRINT PRINT INPUT "Font description: ", File.Desc File.DescTrailer = CHR$(10) + CHR$(13) File.Notice = "This file created by FNT2COM v1.1 (PD)" File.CRTrailer = CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + "$" PRINT PRINT "Please wait...." ' A little jump over the data. File.Jump = CHR$(&HE9) + CHR$(&H65) + CHR$(&H10) ' Prepare the monitor for scanning OUT &H3C4, 2 ' Thanks to Rich Geldreich for these out statements! OUT &H3C5, 4 OUT &H3C4, 4 OUT &H3C5, 7 OUT &H3CE, 4 OUT &H3CF, 2 OUT &H3CE, 5 OUT &H3CF, 0 OUT &H3CE, 6 OUT &H3CF, 4 DEF SEG = &HA000 FOR a = 1 TO 8192 x = a MOD 32 IF x > 0 AND x <= 16 THEN Buffer$ = Buffer$ + CHR$(PEEK(a - 1)) END IF NEXT a ' Restore monitor OUT &H3CE, 4 OUT &H3CF, 1 OUT &H3CE, 6 OUT &H3CF, &HE OUT &H3CE, 5 OUT &H3CF, &H10 OUT &H3C4, 2 OUT &H3C5, 3 OUT &H3C4, 4 OUT &H3C5, 3 DEF SEG File.FontData = Buffer$ RESTORE ASMData Buffer$ = "" FOR i = 1 TO 25 READ byte Buffer$ = Buffer$ + CHR$(byte) NEXT File.ASM = Buffer$ OPEN "FONT.COM" FOR BINARY AS #1 LEN = LEN(File) PUT #1, , File CLOSE #1 PRINT "DONE!" END ASMData: DATA &HB4,&H9,&HBA,&H3,&H11 DATA &HCD,&H21,&HB4,&H11,&HB0 DATA &H0,&HB7,&H10,&HB9,&H0 DATA &H1,&HBA,&H0,&H0,&HBD DATA &H3,&H1,&HCD,&H10,&HC3 --- Maximus/2 2.01wb * Origin: The Nibble's Roost, Richmond BC Canada 604-244-8009 (1:153/918)
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