BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 02-25-93 (22:30) Number: 379 From: CASEY PEARSON Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: SUPERDIR.BAS Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Someone asked if there was a Directory program in BASIC, well here is one that was developed a while back, but still works wonders! WARNING: this is a program that was released by IBM for demonstration purpose and is shown here for the same reason, to use it for profit or other means, you BETTER contact IBM first!!! 100 'Super Directory for the IBM Personal Computer 110 'for monochrome or color adaptor,80 columns 120 SCREEN 0,0,0:WIDTH 80:COLOR 0,4,8:CLS:DEFINT A-Z:KEY OFF:FOR I=1 TO 10:KEY 130 CR$=CHR$(17)+CHR$(196)+CHR$(217) 140 PRINT "Welcome to ";:COLOR 15:PRINT "Super Directory":COLOR 0 150 'Remove the word REM from following line for automatic use with drive A 160 REM DRIVE$="A:":FSPEC$="A:*.*":GOTO 200 170 PRINT:PRINT "Select Drive: (";:COLOR 16,15:PRINT"A B";:COLOR 7,0:PRINT CHR$ 180 DRIVE$=INKEY$+":":A=ASC(DRIVE$):IF (A OR 32)<97 OR (A OR 32)>98 THEN 180 190 DRIVE$=CHR$(A AND 223)+":":FSPEC$=DRIVE$+"*.*" 200 GOSUB 5000:CLS:COLOR 16:PRINT"Reading description file" 210 DIM D$(ENTRIES):FOR I=0 TO ENTRIES:D$(I)=CHR$(9)+"--" :NEXT 220 ON ERROR GOTO 310 230 OPEN DRIVE$+"DESCR.DIR" FOR INPUT AS #1 240 LINE INPUT #1,DISKNAME$:LINE INPUT#1,A$:NUMREC=VAL(A$) 250 FOR ITEMS=0 TO NUMREC 260 LINE INPUT #1,F$:LINE INPUT#1,D$ 270 FOR I=0 TO ENTRIES 280 IF F$=F$(I) THEN D$(I)=D$ 290 NEXT:NEXT 300 GOTO 320 310 RESUME 320 320 CLOSE#1:ON ERROR GOTO 0 330 PAGES=INT(ENTRIES/10) 340 CURR=0 350 START=CURR*10:FINISH=START+9:IF FINISH>ENTRIES THEN FINISH=ENTRIES 360 CLS:COLOR 0,4,8:PRINT STRING$(80,32):LOCATE 1,2:PRINT"Super Directory";TAB( 370 FOR I=START TO FINISH 380 COLOR 0,15:PRINT "F";LEFT$(MID$(STR$(1+I-START),2)+" ",2);:COLOR 15,4:PRINT 390 NEXT 400 LOCATE 25,1:COLOR 15,4:PRINT"Press ";:COLOR 0,15:PRINT"F1";:COLOR 15,4:PRIN 410 LOCATE 23,32:PRINT"Page #";CURR+1;"of ";PAGES+1 420 A$=INKEY$:IF A$="" THEN 420 430 IF A$<>CHR$(27) THEN 540 440 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPACE$(79);:LOCATE 25,1:PRINT" 1.Exit to BASIC 2. Exit 450 A$=INKEY$:IF A$<"1" OR A$>"5" THEN 450 460 ON VAL(A$) GOTO 470,480,490,500:GOTO 350 470 COLOR 0:CLS:END 480 SYSTEM 490 RUN 500 ON ERROR GOTO 510:GOSUB 1000:GOTO 350 510 BEEP:LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPACE$(79);:LOCATE 25,1:COLOR 31:PRINT"Can't save de 520 IF INKEY$<>CHR$(13) THEN 520 530 RESUME 350 540 IF A$=CHR$(0)+CHR$(81) THEN CURR=-(CURR+1)*(CURR<PAGES):GOTO 350 550 IF A$=CHR$(0)+CHR$(73) THEN CURR=CURR-1:CURR=CURR- (PAGES+1)*(CURR<0):GOTO 3 560 A=ASC(MID$(A$+"0",2))-59:IF A<0 OR A>FINISH-START THEN BEEP:GOTO 420 570 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPACE$(79);:LOCATE 25,1:PRINT"Press ";CR$;" to run progra 580 LOCATE 3+A*2,5:COLOR 31:PRINT F$(START+A);:COLOR 15 590 A$=INKEY$:IF A$<>CHR$(13) AND A$<>CHR$(27) AND A$<>CHR$(32) THEN 590 600 IF A$=CHR$(27) THEN LOCATE 3+A*2,5:PRINT F$(START+A);:GOTO 400 610 IF A$<>CHR$(32) THEN 670 620 IF DISKNAME$="" THEN LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPACE$(79);:LOCATE 25,1:LINE INPUT;" 630 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPACE$(79);:LOCATE 25,1:Z=START+A:PRINT "Description :";D 640 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPACE$(79);:BEEP:COLOR 31:LOCATE 25,1:PRINT"Cannot save d 650 A$=INKEY$:IF A$<>"y" AND A$<>"Y" AND A$<>"n" AND A$<>"N" THEN 650 660 IF A$="y" OR A$="Y" THEN RESUME 680 ELSE RESUME 350 670 ON ERROR GOTO 640:GOSUB 1000 680 ON ERROR GOTO 690:COLOR 0:CLS:RUN DRIVE$+F$(START+A) 690 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT SPACE$(79):COLOR 16:BEEP:PRINT"Cannot run ";F$(A);". ";: 700 IF INKEY$<>CHR$(13) THEN 700 710 RESUME 350 720 END 1000 'Save descriptions to disk 1010 OPEN DRIVE$+"DESCR.DIR" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 1020 PRINT#1,DISKNAME$;CHR$(13);ENTRIES;CHR$(13); 1030 FOR I=0 TO ENTRIES:PRINT#1,F$(I);CHR$(13);D$(I);CHR$(13);:NEXT 1040 CLOSE #1:ON ERROR GOTO 0:RETURN 1050 ' 5000 'This subroutine reads disk directory into a string array 5010 'Enter with FSPEC$, the file spec for the FILES command 5020 'Exits with array F$, and NUMFILES, the number of files 5030 'uses a temporary array,TT$, which is ERASEd after use 5040 ' 5050 DEF SEG=0:WIDTH 80 5060 HEAD=1050:TAIL=1052:BUFFER=1054 5070 CLS:COLOR 16,4,4:PRINT"Reading disk directory" 5080 COLOR 4:ON ERROR GOTO 5100 5090 FILES FSPEC$:ON ERROR GOTO 0:GOTO 5110 5100 BEEP:COLOR 31:CLS:PRINT"Cannot read directory":COLOR 4:ON ERROR GOTO 0:END 5110 DIM TT$(24):LOCATE 3,1:COLOR 4:ROWS=0 5120 'Put code for End, Enter into keyboard buffer: 5130 POKE HEAD,30:POKE TAIL,34:POKE BUFFER,0:POKE BUFFER+1,79:POKE BUFFER+2,13: 5140 LINE INPUT TT$(ROWS) 5150 IF TT$(ROWS)<>"" THEN ROWS=ROWS+1:GOTO 5130 5160 IF NOT DIMMED THEN DIM F$(ROWS*4-1):DIMMED=1 5170 ROWS=ROWS-1 5180 FOR I=0 TO ROWS 5190 FOR J=0 TO 3 5200 T$=MID$(TT$(I),J*18+1,12) 5210 IF T$<>"" THEN F$(ENTRIES)=T$:ENTRIES=ENTRIES+1 5220 NEXT J 5230 NEXT I 5240 ERASE TT$:ENTRIES=ENTRIES-1 5250 DEF SEG:RETURN ... þ SLMR 2.1a þ Nothing is so smiple that it can't get screwed up. --- DCQwk/T.A.G. 1.5a * Origin: The Abacus * HST/DS * Potterville MI (1:159/100)
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