BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 02-23-93 (22:26) Number: 396 From: QUINN TYLER JACKSON Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Intrest.Bas 2/ Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
>>> Continued from previous message ' Note that the numbers that are passed in represent weighted percentages, ' except for Stats.Badwords, which is a count of obscene words encountered ' to those encountered. Let each programmer decide himself what is good ' reading and what is bad. Also remember that the weight can be configured ' by the reader by passing in the appropriate numbers in the first place. ' One reader might want simple reading, another ' might want difficult reading, and so different weights ' are allowed. ' For example, if I like simple reading, I might give a greater weight to ' Stats.English. If I like science, I might create a configuration file ' full of technical terms and give Stats.Keywords more weight. ' This is just my example. Have fun with this function! IF Send.Badwords < 100 THEN ' If we haven't passed our threshold for dirt IF Send.English < 20 AND Send.English > 5 THEN ' It's neither too hard ' nor too easy IF Send.Keywords > 5 THEN ' And it talks about what interests us IF Send.Avoid < 10 THEN ' without using terms we hate fqjDecide = TRUE END IF END IF END IF END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION fqjParse (InText$, WordArray$()) REDIM WordArray$(100) Boundary = UBOUND(WordArray$) L = LEN(InText$) 'Go through the string one character at a time. FOR i = 1 TO L Char$ = MID$(InText$, i, 1) IF INSTR(BlankSpace$, Char$) = 0 THEN 'Not a blank space. Test if you're already inside a word. IF NOT in THEN 'You've found the start of a new word. NumWords = NumWords + 1 in = TRUE IF NumWords = Boundary THEN Boundary = Boundary + 25 REDIM PRESERVE WordArray$(Boundary) END IF END IF 'Add the character to the current word. WordArray$(NumWords) = WordArray$(NumWords) + Char$ ELSE 'Found a blank space character. 'Set "Not in an argument" flag to FALSE. in = FALSE END IF NEXT i ' Shrink the WordArray$() down to an appropriate size REDIM PRESERVE WordArray$(NumWords) fqjParse = NumWords END FUNCTION FUNCTION funIntrest (InText$, Stats AS InterestType, ConfigFile$) STATIC Been ' Keep track of this for the next call, since ' subsequent calls do not need to initialize ' the tables. ' This is the main FUNCTION of the whole INTREST.BAS module. The FUNCTION ' is passed a string of text and interest thresholds in the InterestType ' variable Stats. IF NOT Been THEN ' Tables must be set for later calls to be sqjTableInit ConfigFile$' processed much faster. Been = TRUE END IF IF Stats.English = 0 THEN ' Assume a normal weight for English Stats.English = 10'% END IF IF Stats.Keywords = 0 THEN ' Assume a reasonable weight for keywords Stats.Keywords = 15'% END IF IF Stats.Avoid = 0 THEN ' Assume a reasonable weight for avoided words Stats.Avoid = 15'% END IF IF Stats.Badwords = 0 THEN ' Assume that one cuss is too much Stats.Badwords = 1 END IF DIM WordArray$(1) Stats.Total = fqjParse(InText$, WordArray$()) CLS FOR i = 1 TO Stats.Total IF fqjBiSearch(HundredTable$(), WordArray$(i)) THEN HundPtr = HundPtr + 1 ELSEIF fqjBiSearch(CustomTable$(), WordArray$(i)) THEN CustPtr = CustPtr + 1 ELSEIF fqjBiSearch(AvoidTable$(), WordArray$(i)) THEN AcPtr = AvPtr + 1 ELSEIF fqjBiSearch(ObsceneTable$(), WordArray$(i)) THEN ObPtr = ObPtr + 1 ELSE OtherPtr = OtherPtr + 1 END IF NEXT i DIM Send AS InterestType Send.English = 100 * (HundPtr / Stats.Total) * (Stats.English / 100) Send.Keywords = 100 * (CustPtr / Stats.Total) * (Stats.Keywords / 100) Send.Avoid = 100 * (AvPtr / Stats.Total) * (Stats.Avoid / 100) Send.Badwords = 100 * (CussPtr / Stats.Badwords) funIntrest = fqjDecide(Send) ' Pass it to the function that makes ' the decision about what is interesting. END FUNCTION SUB sqjShellSort (Array$()) ' sqjShellSort is a modified version of the SUB that comes with the ' QuickBASIC 4.5 distribution disks in the program SORTDEMO.BAS. It ' has been modified to accept an unsorted array as a parameter, which ' it then passes back sorted alphabetically. Start = LBOUND(Array$) MaxRow = UBOUND(Array$) Offset = MaxRow \ 2 >>> Continued to next message * SLMR 2.1a * --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: VKUG/VPCC QuickBasic Echo - Richmond, BC (1:153/151)
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