BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 07-17-92 (16:44) Number: 163 From: SCOTT WUNSCH Refer#: NONE To: RICH GELDRICH Recvd: NO Subj: Smooth Text Mouse Cursor Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Salutations, Rich! Great programme (and programmer)! I do have a few comments and complaints (can't be without those <g>) however... For one thing, the EIGHT characters it takes up are too many for one of the applications I had intended it for. Especially in a row! Could you make it an option to use an 8x16 bitmap instead of 16x16 to save four characters. I've designed a real nice arrow for 8x16 (IMHO, it even looks better than your 16x16!). Also, if it isn't too much work, maybe allow all eight characters to be specified, instead of just the first. BTW, have you noticed that the mouse cursor is invisible in QBX after running this from the environment (I know you said not to, but it doesn't flicker THAT much, even on a 386SX-16)? Could be you 'de-initialize' the mouse too much ;-). If you're interested, here's the stuff from MAKECSR that I modified for my mouse cursor: ' Cursor Mask DATA 0000000000000000, 0011111111111111 DATA 0100000000000000, 0001111111111111 DATA 0110000000000000, 0000111111111111 DATA 0111000000000000, 0000011111111111 DATA 0111100000000000, 0000001111111111 DATA 0111110000000000, 0000000111111111 DATA 0111111000000000, 0000000011111111 DATA 0111111100000000, 0000000001111111 DATA 0111111100000000, 0000000001111111 DATA 0111110000000000, 0000000111111111 DATA 0100110000000000, 0000000111111111 DATA 0000110000000000, 0000000111111111 DATA 0000011000000000, 1111000011111111 DATA 0000011000000000, 1111000011111111 DATA 0000000000000000, 1111111111111111 DATA 0000000000000000, 1111111111111111 Now if only that could be put into an 8x16 matrix... RG> ' (The 80x25 text mode resolution is 640x400, for example.) <Picky_Mode_On> WRONG! 80x25 text mode on a VGA is 720x400!! This is because the character box is actually 9x16, although you can only define the first 8 (dumb!). This is, BTW, why using most characters for the cursor result in a bar through it. <Picky_Mode_Off> RG> ' The driver should work on color VGA's and possibly RG> EGA's (I haven't RG> ' tested it on an EGA yet). It should RG> also work in any text mode, It will work on EGA, if you make a couple of changes. EGA character boxes are 8x14 instead of x16. So, you'd have to change the routines a bit to work with both 14 and 16 pixel high characters if you wanted EGA compatability. RG> link /q csrasm+intrpt,,,bqlb45.lib (for qb4.5) How come you use PDS but can't even be bothered to put in the PDS information. In case there are any now-confused PDS users out there,this line should do it: Link /Q /NOD:BRT71EFR.Lib CsrAsm+Intrpt,,,QbxQlb RG> ' seems fine. NOTE: while this driver is being used, RG> the characters RG> ' allocated for the cursor cannot be RG> used anywhere else on the screen! Sure they can! They just won't look like what you expect! ;) RG> ' These routines cannot be used under DESQView. To RG> detect DESQView,RG> ' use something similar to this: . . . For those of us poor souls without assemblers, here's the BASIC equivilent (remember to $INCLUDE the file QBX.BI or QB.BI, etc.) InRegs.Ax = &H2B01 InRegs.Cx = &H4445 ' "DE" InRegs.Dx = &H5351 ' "SQ" CALL INTERRUPT(&H21, InRegs, OutRegs) IF (OutRegs.Ax AND &HFF) = &HFF THEN DV = 0 ELSE DV = -1 END IF RG> 'Example usage: (Please run this program compiled, it's RG> just too slow RG> 'in the environment.) Nah. It doesn't flicker THAT much, even on a 386SX-16. RG> 'Not bad for a 16 year old high school student, huh? Nice to meet you, 16 year old... I'm 13! -= Scott \\'unsch =- ... It's so BASIC, it's gotta work! --- Maximus/2 2.01wb * Origin: The Green Zone - Regina, Sask, Canada (1:140/23)
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