Area: Quik_Bas Msg: #719 Date: 06-16-92 18:00 (Public) From: Coridon Henshaw To: David Yale Subject: anyone know about?
In a msg on <Jun 07 11:47>, David Yale of 1:141/535 writes: DY> I am looking for two things for QB: DY> 1- data structures fro MAXIMUS BBS (squish message structures DY> specifically). I have the C source, but if someone has already DY> converted them that would be a real time saver. Here's a full reader: --Cut Here-- TYPE SQIDX ' .SQI file: one of these per message (12 bytes) Offst AS LONG ' A signed INTEGER with a min of -65553 and a max of +65535 UMSGID AS LONG Hash AS LONG END TYPE TYPE SQBASE ' .SQD database header (256 bytes): 1 per .SQD file SLEN AS INTEGER ' A signed INTEGER with a min or - 32767 and a max of 32767 RSVD1 AS INTEGER NUMMSG AS LONG ' No of msgs in area HIMSG AS LONG ' Highest msg number (same as NUMMSG) SKIPMSG AS LONG ' # of msgs to protect from autoKill HiWater AS LONG ' Highwatermark UID AS LONG ' # of next UMSGID to use BASEID AS STRING * 80' Name (incl path) of this message base FBEGIN AS LONG ' Offset to 1st frame FLAST AS LONG ' Offset to last frame FFBEGIN AS LONG ' Offset to 1st free frame FFLAST AS LONG ' Offset to last free frame FEND AS LONG ' Offset to end of file MAXMSGS AS LONG ' # of msgs to keep MAXDAYS AS INTEGER ' # of days to keep msgs for SZSQHDR AS INTEGER ' Size of SQHDR (32 bytes) END TYPE TYPE SQHDR ID AS LONG NEXTF AS LONG PREVF AS LONG FLEN AS LONG MsgLen AS LONG CLEN AS LONG FTYP AS INTEGER RSVD AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE SQMESSAGE ' The message Header, as it appears in a Squish area ATTRIB AS LONG From AS STRING * 36'Fixed length string, with the length of the number after the "*" Dest AS STRING * 36 Subj AS STRING * 72 OrigZone AS INTEGER OrigNet AS INTEGER OrigNode AS INTEGER OrigPoint AS INTEGER DestZone AS INTEGER DestNet AS INTEGER DestNode AS INTEGER DestPoint AS INTEGER BINDATES AS STRING * 8 UTCOFST AS INTEGER ReplyTo AS LONG Replies AS STRING * 40 DateMsg AS STRING * 20 END TYPE DIM Index AS SQIDX DIM DataBase AS SQMESSAGE DIM Pickup AS SQHDR DIM Header AS SQBASE COLOR 14, 1 CLS LINE INPUT "Squish message BASE path: ", Name$ IF Name$ = "" THEN BEEP: END IF INSTR(Name$, ".") <> 0 THEN SquishIndex$ = MID$(Name$, 1, INSTR(Name$, ".")) + "SQI" SquishDataBase$ = MID$(Name$, 1, INSTR(Name$, ".")) + "SQD" ELSE SquishIndex$ = Name$ + ".SQI" SquishDataBase$ = Name$ + ".SQD" END IF IF DIR$(SquishIndex$) = "" OR DIR$(SquishDataBase$) = "" THEN PRINT "File Not Found" BEEP END END IF OPEN SquishIndex$ FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = 12 OPEN SquishDataBase$ FOR BINARY AS #2 GET #2, 1, Header PRINT "Enter message number (" + LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(Header.HiWater))) + " Max): "; INPUT ; "", Number PRINT IF Number = 0 OR Number > Header.HiWater THEN PRINT "Bad Messsage Number" BEEP END END IF CLS SEEK #1, Number GET #1, , Index SEEK #2, Index.Offst + 1 GET #2, , Pickup PRINT " ID: "; HEX$(Pickup.ID) PRINT " Length: "; LTRIM$(STR$(Pickup.MsgLen)) SEEK #2, Index.Offst + 29 GET #2, , DataBase PRINT " Date: "; DataBase.DateMsg PRINT " From: "; DataBase.From PRINT " To: "; DataBase.Dest PRINT "Subject: " + MID$(DataBase.Subj, 1, 70) LOCATE 7, 1 PRINT STRING$(80, "Í"); VIEW PRINT 8 TO 25 Flag = -1 Message$ = STRING$(Pickup.MsgLen - 230 - 28, " ") GET #2, , Message$ Xlen = LEN(Message$) FOR X = 1 TO Xlen Mchr$ = MID$(Message$, X, 1) IF Mchr$ = CHR$(1) THEN Mchr$ = CHR$(13) + CHR$(1) IF Mchr$ = CHR$(0) THEN Mchr$ = CHR$(13) PRINT Mchr$; IF CSRLIN >= 24 AND Flag = 0 THEN COLOR 14 + 16, 1 PRINT "Press Any Key" A$ = INPUT$(1) COLOR 14, 1 CLS END IF Flag = 0 NEXT VIEW PRINT COLOR 14 + 16 PRINT PRINT "Press Any Key" A$ = INPUT$(1) COLOR 14, 1 CLS END 'Ok, now for the explanations: the two main files are <name>.SQD and <name>.SQI. ' The first structure is for the .SQI file (you can open that one as RANDOM with 'a length of 12); the others are for the .SQD file (which you open as BINARY). ' 'There is a one-to-one correspondence between records in .SQI and the (non- 'deleted) messages. You want message #25: just read the 25th record from the '.SQI file into the SQIDX-dimensioned variable. Then, use the offset SQI.OFFST '+ 1 to read the SQHDR-dimensioned variable (the SQI offsets start at 0 but QB 'treats the first byte in a BINARY file as byte 1). This SQHDR is 28-bytes 'long, and it is immediately followed by the 230 bytes of the SQMSG-defined 'variable (the message header), and SQD.MSGLEN bytes of message text. --Cut Here-- DY> 2- A library or example code for writing QB commmmunication programs DY> access a FOSSIL driver. I'll have one out soon, but not PD. Nor am I going to release source. But if your just looking for info, get a hold of FSC-0015.* from a Fido board. --- msgedsq 2.0.5 * Origin: -=- Point Blank -=- (1:250/804.200) ~~
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