BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 02-20-93 (14:20) Number: 396 From: JON SPRINGER Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Editor 4 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'part 4 of font 2.5 starts here INPUT "Enter character box down "; a$ i = VAL(a$) IF i > 16 THEN LET i = 16 IF i < 2 THEN LET i = 2 box(2) = INT(i) a$ = "" RETURN three: LINE INPUT "Enter new name > "; k$ IF k$ = "" THEN RETURN IF LEN(k$) > 8 OR LEN(k$) < 1 THEN LOCATE 23, 1: GOTO three LET name$ = k$ RETURN four: INPUT "Enter new screen blanker delay "; a$ i = VAL(a$) IF i > 200 THEN LET i = 200 IF i < 10 THEN LET i = 10 delay = INT(i) * 2 a$ = "" RETURN print.options: LOCATE 7, 48: PRINT box(1):LOCATE 9, 48: PRINT box(2) LOCATE 11, 49: PRINT name$; " ": LOCATE 13, 48: PRINT delay / 2; " ":RETURN end.message: SCREEN 0:COLOR 14:PRINT"FONT DESIGN 2.5...1992":PRINT:COLOR 7,0:END END SUB SUB Gets.puts IF i = 11 then GOTO gets puts: FOR lom = 1 TO box(1) FOR lim = 1 TO box(2) LET font(cell, lom, lim) = store(lom, lim) LET across = lom: LET down = lim: Put.pixel NEXT NEXT EXIT SUB gets: FOR lom = 1 TO box(1) FOR lim = 1 TO box(2) LET store(lom, lim) = font(cell, lom, lim) NEXT NEXT END SUB SUB Help SCREEN , , 1, 1:CLS LOCATE 2, 30: COLOR 13, 8: PRINT "*** Help Screen ***" LOCATE 20, 30: PRINT "***** Any Key *****" LOCATE 3,30:COLOR 1:PRINT STRING$(80,176):PRINT : PRINT: COLOR 14 PRINT"<Enter> = Refresh font display window": PRINT PRINT"<Insert> = Insert a blank cell, bumping last cell in the font" PRINT"<Delete> = Delete a cell, moving all cells after it up one " PRINT:PRINT"<Home> = Clear a cell" PRINT "<End> = Fill a cell": PRINT PRINT"<Pg Up> = Store a cell" PRINT "<Pg Down> = Paste the stored cell" LOCATE 17, 30: COLOR 1: PRINT STRING$(80, 176): COLOR 15 --- QuickBBS 2.76 * Origin: Programmers Information Exchange (206) 283-5978 (1:343/27)
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