BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 07-14-92 (01:05) Number: 245 From: MATT PRITCHARD @ 930/21 Refer#: NONE To: JON SPRINGER Recvd: NO Subj: Re: no box sprites Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
JS>Ok, thanks, hope you get the code up. I'm you know of any JS>way to flip screens in mode 13h through native qb? I know most JS>vga adapters have enough memory to handle more than one screen, JS>which is what basic provides... To do multiple screen pages in mode 13h, you pretty much have to switch it over into the 320 x 200 variant of Mode "X". in Mode 13h, (QB 13 decimal), read an writes to the VGA memory at A000:xxxx are actually being translated by the hardware. The upper 14 bits are shifted down 2 bits to get the actual addres, while the lower 2 bits are the memory plane #. You may poke from 0 to 63999, but you actually have poked from 0 to 15999, planes 0 through 3. You just can't get to the other 192K of video memory without altering the control registers a good deal, and then you can't read/write to it like you can in in nommal mode 13h. You have to use the mode X techniques. -Matt P === * SLMR 2.1a * My reality check just bounced. --- InterPCB 1.50 # Origin: CENTRAL BBS -Texas' BEST BBS! 214-393-7090 HST 3+GIGs (8:930/21) * Origin: Gateway System to/from RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:10/8)
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