Spline program 1/2

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 02-16-93 (02:16)             Number: 276
From: DIK COATES                   Refer#: NONE
  To: AL SCHOEPP                    Recvd: NO  
Subj: Spline program 1/2             Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
>>>> QUOTING Al Schoepp to Dik Coates <<<<

 AS> I would appreciate it if you could post it so I can see if it will
Start of Part 1 of 2

'*************************************************************** SPLCURVE.BAS
'***************************************************** TEMPORARY WORKING FILE
'***************************************************** COPYRIGHT: R.A. COATES
'*************************************** LISTING DATE:______________________
'*************************************** LAST REVISION: NOV/88, Feb/93

'Permission granted for inclusion in QBS


 DEF FNDist (x1, y1, x2, y2)                               'define functions
  FNDist = SQR((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1))
  x1 = 0: y1 = 0: x2 = 0: y2 = 0

 n% = 11                                                         'test run
 REDIM x%(n%), y%(n%)
 x%(1) = 2: y%(1) = 2                                      'input variables
 x%(2) = 20: y%(2) = 12
 x%(3) = 45: y%(3) = 48
 x%(4) = 100: y%(4) = 40
 x%(5) = 70: y%(5) = 30
 x%(6) = 165: y%(6) = 150
 x%(7) = 300: y%(7) = 200
 x%(8) = 450: y%(8) = 40
 x%(9) = 300: y%(9) = 40
 x%(10) = 450: y%(10) = 265
 x%(11) = 550: y%(11) = 325
 CALL Splinecurve((n%), x%(), y%())

 n% = 9                                                          'test run
 REDIM x%(n%), y%(n%)
 x%(1) = 2: y%(1) = 2                                      'input variables
 x%(2) = 20: y%(2) = 12
 x%(3) = 45: y%(3) = 48
 x%(4) = 100: y%(4) = 40
 x%(5) = 70: y%(5) = 30
 x%(6) = 165: y%(6) = 150
 x%(7) = 300: y%(7) = 40
 x%(8) = 450: y%(8) = 265
 x%(9) = 550: y%(9) = 325
 CALL Splinecurve((n%), x%(), y%())

 n% = 6                                                          'test run
 REDIM x%(n%), y%(n%)
 x%(1) = 10: y%(1) = 10                                      'input variables
 x%(2) = 20: y%(2) = 12
 x%(3) = 45: y%(3) = 48
 x%(4) = 100: y%(4) = 40
 x%(5) = 70: y%(5) = 30
 x%(6) = 10: y%(6) = 10
 CALL Splinecurve((n%), x%(), y%())

 n% = 7                                                         'test run
 REDIM x%(n%), y%(n%)
 x%(1) = 2: y%(1) = 2                                      'input variables
 x%(2) = 45: y%(2) = 48
 x%(3) = 100: y%(3) = 40
 x%(4) = 165: y%(4) = 150
 x%(5) = 300: y%(5) = 200
 x%(6) = 300: y%(6) = 140
 x%(7) = 450: y%(7) = 265
 CALL Splinecurve((n%), x%(), y%())

 LOCATE 20, 10
 PRINT "Reclining Lady";
 LOCATE 21, 15
 PRINT "-by R.A. Coates";
 dummy$ = INPUT$(1)

'************************** SUBPROGRAM Drawcurve ****************************
'   Draws a series of lines through points (x(i%),y(i%)), and the screen call
'   must be Mode 10 with a monochrome monitor and EGA board or Mode 9 with a
'   colour monitor and EGA board.  The coordinate is based on the screen
'   location with the maximum value of "x" less than or equal to 639 and the
'   maximum value of "y" less than or equal to 349.
'   ARGUMENTS:  s%=number of points from the beginning of curve to end
'               x()=array for x-coordinates
'               y()=array for y-coordinates
'   RETURNS:    nul (plots points on screen)
SUB Drawcurve (s%, x(), y()) STATIC
 FOR i% = 1 TO s% - 1
  LINE (x(i%), y(i%))-(x(i% + 1), y(i% + 1))
 NEXT i%

'************************ SUBPROGRAM Graphpoints ****************************
'   Draws "x%" through points (x%(i%),y%(i%)).  The screen
call must be Mode 10
'   for an EGA Adapter and a monochrome monitor and must be Mode 9 for an
'   EGA Adapter and a colour monitor.  The coordinate is based on the screen
'   location with the maximum value of "x%" less than or equal to 639 and the
'   maximum value of "y%" less than or equal to 349.
'   ARGUMENTS:  x%()=array for x%-coordinates
'               y%()=array for y%-coordinates
'               n%=number of points
'   RETURNS:    nul (plots points on screen)
SUB Graphpoints (x%(), y%(), n%) STATIC
 FOR i% = 1 TO n%
  FOR j% = 1 TO 5
   LINE (x%(i%) - 3 + j%, y%(i%) - 3 + j%)-(x%(i%) - 3 + j%, y%(i%) - 3 + j%)
   LINE (x%(i%) - 3 + j%, y%(i%) + 3 - j%)-(x%(i%) - 3 + j%, y%(i%) + 3 - j%)
  NEXT j%
 NEXT i%

End of Part 1
... Insert favourite tagline here. Remember to always plan ahea
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.10

--- Maximus 2.00
 * Origin: Durham Systems (ONLINE!) (1:229/110)
Outer Court
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