BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 02-14-93 (10:11) Number: 255 From: RICHARD DALE Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Choose file from screen Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
I forgot who was asking for it, but here is a method of choosing a filename from the screen. It's in numbered-line BASIC, but it should be simple enough to convert over to QuickBASIC. I keep meaning to do it, but never get a round tuit. 9010 CLS:COLOR 14,0:FILES "*.*" 9020 FOR GX = 2 TO 22: IF SCREEN(GX, 1) = 32 THEN GL = GX - 1: LOCATE GX,1: PRINT SPACE$(20): PRINT SPACE$(20): GOTO 9030 9030 NEXT GX: GROW = 2: GCOL = 1: COLOR 3, 0: LOCATE 23, 9: PRINT "<- This file? Use arrow keys to select, <R> to Recall, or <ESCAPE>" 9040 IF SCREEN(GROW,GCOL) = 32 THEN 9120 9050 GFILE$ = "": FOR GX = 0 TO 11: GFILE$ = GFILE$ + CHR$(SCREEN(GROW, GCOL + GX)): NEXT GX 9060 COLOR 0,7: LOCATE GROW, GCOL + 13: PRINT "<-": COLOR 14, 0: LOCATE 23, 1: PRINT LEFT$(GFILE$, 8) 9070 GKEY$ = RIGHT$(INKEY$, 1): IF GKEY$ = "" THEN 9070 9080 IF GKEY$ = CHR$(27) THEN GFILE$ = "": GOTO 9170 9090 IF GKEY$ = "R" OR GKEY$ = "r" THEN 9170 9100 IF INSTR("HPKM", GKEY$) = 0 THEN 9070 9110 LOCATE GROW, GCOL + 13: PRINT SPACE$(2); 9120 IF GKEY$ = "H" THEN GROW = GROW - 1: IF GROW < 2 THEN GROW = GL 9130 IF GKEY$ = "P" THEN GROW = GROW + 1: IF GROW > GL THEN GROW = 2 9140 IF GKEY$ = "K" THEN GCOL = GCOL - 18: IF GCOL < 1 THEN GCOL = 55 9150 IF GKEY$ = "M" THEN GCOL = GCOL + 18: IF GCOL > 55 THEN GCOL = 1 9160 GOTO 9040 9170 RETURN Day 22: America Held Hostage * DeLuxe2 1.26b #2989 * Bill Clinton: The Dan Quayle of Presidents --- FidoPCB v1.4 beta * Origin: Sound Advice - 24 Nodes (816)436-4516 (1:280/333)
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