BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 02-13-93 (14:14) Number: 385 From: SCOTT WUNSCH Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: MsgSplit 2.00 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Part 2 of MSGSPLIT.BAS - continued from last message... OPEN FileName$ FOR INPUT AS #1 LinesOut = Reserve + 1 OnMsgNumber = 1 LPP = LPP - 4 ' lines per page DO Temp$ = LTRIM$(STR$(FileOutNum)) IF BW THEN Ext$ = "000": MID$(Ext$, 4 - LEN(Temp$)) = Temp$ ELSE Ext$ = Temp$ END IF OPEN OutN$ + "." + Ext$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2 IF OnMsgNumber > 1 THEN PRINT #2, "Part"; OnMsgNumber; "of "; FileName$; " - continued"+_ " from last message..." PRINT #2, ELSE PRINT #2, " Part one of "; FileName$; "..." PRINT #2, "________O_/________________________| SNIP"+_ " |______________________\_O_______" PRINT #2, " O \ | HERE | "+_ " / O" PRINT #2, END IF TooLong = False FOR Trans = LinesOut TO LPP IF NOT EOF(1) THEN IF Trans = LinesOut THEN DO: LINE INPUT #1, Buf$ LOOP WHILE LEN(Buf$) = 0 ELSE LINE INPUT #1, Buf$ Buf$ = RTRIM$(Buf$) END IF Tb = INSTR(Buf$, Tab$) 'remove those dang chr$(8)s (tabs) IF Tb THEN DO Buf$ = LEFT$(Buf$, Tb - 1) + TabSub$ + MID$(Buf$, Tb + 1) Tb = INSTR(Tb, Buf$, Tab$) LOOP WHILE Tb END IF Wrapping: IF LEN(Buf$) > 80 THEN FOR A = 75 TO 40 STEP -1 IF MID$(Buf$, A, 1) = " " THEN WrapPoint% = A: EXIT FOR END IF NEXT A QuotesOn% = 0: Quote$ = CHR$(34) FOR A = 1 TO WrapPoint% IF MID$(Buf$, A, 1) = Quote$ THEN QuotesOn% = NOT QuotesOn% NEXT A IF QuotesOn% THEN Long$ = Buf$ Buf$ = LEFT$(Buf$, WrapPoint% - 1) + Quote$ + "+_" ELSE Long$ = Buf$ Buf$ = LEFT$(Buf$, WrapPoint% - 1) + "_" END IF IF NOT ((Trans = LPP) AND LEN(Buf$) = 0) THEN PRINT #2, Buf$ END IF Buf$ = MID$(Long$, WrapPoint%) IF QuotesOn% THEN Buf$ = Quote$ + Buf$ IF LEN(Buf$) THEN GOTO Wrapping END IF IF NOT ((Trans = LPP) AND LEN(Buf$) = 0) THEN PRINT #2, Buf$ END IF END IF NEXT IF NOT EOF(1) THEN PRINT #2, PRINT #2, "Continued on next message..." ELSE PRINT #2, PRINT #2, "________O_/________________________| SNIP"+_ " |______________________\_O_______" PRINT #2, " O \ | HERE | "+_ " / O" PRINT #2, " Line wrapping and message splitted accomplished by"+_ " MsgSplit 2.00," PRINT #2, "a Victor Yiu and Scott Wunsch creation." PRINT #2, END IF IF TooLong THEN Continued on next message... --- * Origin: That's beside the point -=- Regina, Sask, Canada (1:140/23.1701)
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Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (including Tiny BASIC)
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