BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 07-11-92 (16:14) Number: 137 From: CRAIG NELSON Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: mode x Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Hello everyone in the not to distant past somewone wrote to me about haw to set up mode x... well that message is now gone (struth do you have to be quick or what..) so who ever wanted it here it is .. mode x 320*200*256 4 pages screen 13 ' set up normal 256 color mode cls scindex=&h3c4 scdata=&h3c5 gcindex=&h3ce gcdata=&h3cf crtcindex=&h3d4 crtcdata=&h3d5 out scindexd,4 r=inp(scdata) t=255-8 r=r and t r=r or 4 out scdata,r out gcindex,5 r=inp(gcdata) t=255-16 r=r and t out gcdata,r out gcindex,6 r=inp(gcdata) t=255-2 r=r and t out gcdata,r out crtcindex,&h14 r=inp(crtcdata) t=255-64 r=r and t out crtcdata,r out crtcindex,&h17 r=inp(crtcdata) r=r or 64 out crtcdata,r now you have 320*200*256 4 pages... next time ill write a simple read write pixel routine so you can actually use this mode... like I said last time qb can't use any graphic commands in this mode like cls,print,circle,pset ect... iff youl really lucky ill write you a fast sprite command... ALSO BE CAREFUL TYPING THIS PROGRAM IN BECAUSE IN MY BOOK 9POWER GRAHICS PROGRMMING WHERE i GOT ALL THE INFO FROM IT SAIDS THAT SOME OF THOSE ARE RESIGTER ARE DANGEROUS TO MODIFY. Ive warned you so if your moniter dies you can't asue me har har .. :-) bye for now... --- Opus-CBCS 1.99.08 * Origin: The PhoneBox BBS! QuickShare Point in South Oz! (3:681/855.0)
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