BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 02-13-93 (03:24) Number: 225 From: SEAN SULLIVAN Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Moving Clock Screen Saver Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Greetings and Salutations All! This is something I whipped up out of boredom. Feel free to do what you wish with it. This means you too, Lee. ----------------8< cut here >8-------------------------------------------- ':::::::::::: MOVING CLOCK SCREEN BLANKER ::::::::::::::::: 'Written by: Sean P. Sullivan ' February 13, 1993 ' 'A simple screen blanker routine. It will display the 'current time, moving it's position once every second. 'It is currently set to run using SCREEN 1 to take 'advantage of the larger characters. See program comments 'on how to change to different screens. 'This should work on most BASICS from GW to VB. ' 'This code is released to the public domain. 'It may be printed, used, changed, whatever. 'Printable in QBS: YES! ' ':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DEFINT A-Z '---- starting row ---- row = 1 '---- starting col ---- col = 1 '---- screen mode (default 1-CGA) ---- scrn = 1 '---- # cols for SCREEN mode, subtract 14 from max cols ---- '---- to prevent clock from printing off screen ---- '---- ie: CGA max cols=40, so clim=39-14 or 25 ---- clim = 25 '---- # rows for SCREEN mode, usually always 23 ---- rlim = 23 '---- freq of clock update (default=1 sec) ---- freq = 1 'start TIMER TIMER ON 'set screen mode SCREEN scrn 'for every change in the timer by the freq amount gosub ShowClock ON TIMER(freq) GOSUB ShowClock 'loop until a key is pressed DO LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = "" END 'turn timer off and exit program TIMER OFF END 'Show clock subroutine ShowClock: 'clear out old clock position LOCATE row, col: PRINT SPACE$(14) 'find new row position between 0-23 row = 99 DO WHILE row > rlim row = INT(RND(1) * 100) + 1 LOOP 'find new column position between 0-25 col = 99 DO WHILE col > clim col = INT(RND(1) * 100) + 1 LOOP 'print clock at new position LOCATE row, col: PRINT "Time: "; TIME$ RETURN ------------------------8< cut here >8-------------------------------- Sean --- GoldED 2.40.P0623 * Origin: COMNET Point #28 [Watervliet, NY] (1:267/113.28)
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