BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 02-14-93 (15:01) Number: 278 From: JAMES VAHN Refer#: 232 To: LEE MADAJCZYK Recvd: NO Subj: Qbs Opinion... Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Hi Lee, Let me get this right.. These 12 sites f'req the file and put it up for public access, at no charge? You are doing the archiving, giving yourself credit for your own work and also at no charge? The contributors, distributors and yourself - no charge? Sounds like a no-charge public information distribution system to me. 8-) And on that note, here's a few shorties that people have expressed interest in before.. Oh.. '******** QBS yes. ;-) ================== Here's a CMOS save/restore utility. 'cmos2dsk.bas - James Vahn 'CMOS save/restore utility DIM Byte AS STRING * 1 LOCATE , , 1 PRINT "Cmos 2 disk - James Vahn 1:30854/20@fidonet" PRINT "Would you like to (S)ave or (R)estore your current CMOS data? "; WHILE a$ = "": a$ = INKEY$: WEND IF a$ = "s" THEN OPEN "\cmos.dat" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 FOR CMOS = &H0 TO &H3F OUT &H70, CMOS DByte% = INP(&H71) PRINT #1, CHR$(DByte%); NEXT: CLOSE 1 PRINT "Data Saved": END ELSEIF a$ = "r" THEN OPEN "\cmos.dat" FOR BINARY AS #1 FOR CMOS = 1 TO LOF(1) OUT &H70, CMOS - 1 GET #1, , Byte OUT &H71, ASC(Byte) NEXT: CLOSE 1 PRINT "Data Restored - please reboot.": END END IF ========================= This shows how to make specific frequencies through the PC speaker. How high a note can you hear? :-) 'Speaker.bas - James Vahn 1:30854/20@fidonet 'Shows the use of PC hardware to generate sound. ' Old = INP(&H61) ' 8255 PPI chip. Save the original. OUT &H43, 182 ' 8253 Timer chip. 10110110b Channel 2, mode 3 Port = INP(&H61) ' get the 8255 port contents. OUT &H61, Port OR 3 ' enable the speaker and use channel 2. INPUT "Desired Frequency in Hz"; Hz Divisor = 1193180 / Hz LSB = Divisor MOD 256 MSB = Divisor \ 256 OUT &H42, LSB OUT &H42, MSB PRINT "Press any to stop" WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND OUT &H61, Old ' turn it off. ======================== 'test4ems.bas - James Vahn 1:30854/20@fidonet 'written for QB 4.5 Load QB/L - does not work with Qbasic. '$INCLUDE: '' 'This checks out your EMS driver & hardware. TYPE EmsHardware EmmRawPageSize AS INTEGER NumberAlternateRegisterSets AS INTEGER SizeMappingContextSaveArea AS INTEGER NumberDMARegisterSets AS INTEGER DMAOperationType AS INTEGER END TYPE DIM Regs AS RegTypeX DIM EmsH AS EmsHardware = &H3567 ' locate code for INT 67, EMS driver. CALL INTERRUPTX(&H21, Regs, Regs) DEF SEG = FOR t = &HA TO &H11 ' search the driver header for text EMS$ = EMS$ + CHR$(PEEK(t)) NEXT IF EMS$ = "EMMQXXX0" THEN EMS$ = "EMMXXXX0" PRINT "DR DOS EMM386 detected." PRINT "Would you like it fixed (y/n)?" WHILE A$ = "" A$ = INKEY$ WEND IF A$ = "y" THEN POKE &HA + 3, ASC("X") ' fix(?) the driver handle. END IF END IF DEF SEG IF EMS$ <> "EMMXXXX0" THEN PRINT "No EMS installed": END PRINT "EMS Driver found at "; HEX$(; ":"; HEX$(Regs.bx) = &H5900 ' subfunction 59h = VARSEG(EmsH) ' point ES:DI to the array EmsH Regs.di = VARPTR(EmsH) ' CALL INTERRUPTX(&H67, Regs, Regs) PRINT "Emm Raw Page Size"; EmsH.EmmRawPageSize PRINT "Number Alternate Register Sets"; EmsH.NumberAlternateRegisterSets PRINT "Size Mapping Context Save Area"; EmsH.SizeMappingContextSaveArea PRINT "Number DMA Register Sets"; EmsH.NumberDMARegisterSets PRINT "DMA Operation Type"; EmsH.DMAOperationType = &H4200 CALL INTERRUPTX(&H67, Regs, Regs) PRINT "Total EMS memory"; Regs.dx * 16; CHR$(29) + "k" PRINT "Total EMS memory available"; Regs.bx * 16; CHR$(29) + "k" PRINT IF EmsH.NumberAlternateRegisterSets = 0 THEN PRINT "Hardware alternate page mapping not supported." PRINT " Bad news for multitasking." ELSE PRINT "Suitable for multitasking." END IF ========================= * SLMR 2.1a * --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: Inland Empire Archive (1:346/10)
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