BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 02-10-93 (12:51) Number: 314 From: CORIDON HENSHAW Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: ELBROWSE.BAS 2/5 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Hello All! ===Chop=== CASE 3 'First record MOVEFIRST #4 RETRIEVE #4, ElistData CASE 4 'Last record MOVELAST #4 RETRIEVE #4, ElistData CASE 5 'Reterive seeked record RETRIEVE #4, ElistData CASE 6 'Generate report FileH = FREEFILE OPEN CItem$ FOR OUTPUT AS FileH PRINT #FileH, Center$("ECHOLIST Report Generated by _ ELBROWSE 1.0") PRINT #FileH, "Echotag: "; ElistData.Echotag PRINT #FileH, "Moderator: "; Addr$ PRINT #FileH, "Volume: "; ElistData.Volume PRINT #FileH, "Distrubution: "; Dist$ PRINT #FileH, "Gateways: "; RTRIM$(LoadLTHString(3, _ ElistData.GateIndex)) PRINT #FileH, "Sysop only: "; ElistData.SysopOnly PRINT #FileH, "Members only: "; ElistData.Member PRINT #FileH, "Last update: "; ElistData.LastUpdate PRINT #FileH, "Short title: "; ElistData.BriefDesc PRINT #FileH, STRING$(80, 196); DIM TextBuffer(255) AS STRING TextBuffer(1) = LoadLTHString$(1, ElistData.DescIndex) FOR X = 1 TO NoteParse(1, TextBuffer()) PRINT #FileH, TextBuffer(X) NEXT CLOSE FileH CASE 8 'Block jump ahead FOR X = 1 TO 15 MOVENEXT #4 IF EOF(4) THEN MOVEPREVIOUS #4 BEEP BEEP EXIT FOR END IF NEXT RETRIEVE #4, ElistData CASE 7 FOR X = 1 TO 15 MOVEPREVIOUS #4 IF BOF(4) THEN MOVENEXT #4 BEEP BEEP EXIT FOR END IF NEXT RETRIEVE #4, ElistData END SELECT LOOP UNTIL ExitFlag = 1 END FileError: SELECT CASE ERR CASE 73 PRINT "ISAM driver not loaded" CASE 53 SELECT CASE ERL CASE 1 PRINT "ELDESC.ITX not found" CASE 2 PRINT "ELRANGE.ITX not found" CASE 3 PRINT "ELGATE.ITX not found" CASE 4 PRINT "ELDATA.IDX not found" END SELECT CASE ELSE SELECT CASE ERL CASE 1: File$ = "ELDESC.ITX" CASE 2: File$ = "ELRANGE.ITX" CASE 3: File$ = "ELGATE.ITX" CASE 4: File$ = "ELDATA.IDX" END SELECT PRINT "Error:"; ERR; "on "; File$; " open" END SELECT RESUME 0 UpdateTime: Address = 3982 FOR X = 1 TO LEN(TIME$) Address = Address + 2 POKE Address, ASC(MID$(TIME$, X, 1)) NEXT RETURN FUNCTION Center$ (Text$) ===Chop=== Coridon Henshaw \ Sirrus Software --- GEcho 1.00 * Origin: TCS Concordia - Mail Only - Toronto, Ontario (1:250/820)
Books at Amazon:
Back to BASIC: The History, Corruption, and Future of the Language
Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (including Tiny BASIC)
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