BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 02-09-93 (08:46) Number: 331 From: TOM HAMMOND Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Help W/In-Line Code 2/2 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'*** PART 2 OF 2 FROM TOM HAMMOND *** 'NOTE: This code WILL NOT run as-is. Please see Part 1 of 2 for ' decsription of problem. ' Disk Head Cleaning Program ' Author: Bruce LaVigne ' Written: 1/11/84 for the Madison IBM PC User's Group ' Consult your drive manufacturer for cleaning recommendations DEF SEG : COLOR 7, 0: CLS LOCATE 1, 26 PRINT "*** Disk Head Cleaner ***" ' initialize variables for reading assembly CLEAN$ = "" CHSUM = 0 ' read assembly program into string FOR I = 0 TO 63 READ BYTE CLEAN$ = CLEAN$ + CHR$(BYTE) CHSUM = CHSUM + BYTE NEXT READ CHECK IF CHSUM <> CHECK THEN PRINT "Bad checksum-retype data" END END IF 110 LOCATE 4, 1 PRINT "Clean which drive? (A or B): "; 115 DO: DR$ = UCASE$(INKEY$): LOOP UNTIL LEN(DR$) ' Compute Drive # DR$ = LEFT$(DR$, 1) DRV = (ASC(DR$) AND &H5F) - 65 IF DRV < 0 OR DRV > 1 THEN BEEP GOTO 110 END IF POINTER = VARPTR(CLEAN$) + 1 ASSEM = PEEK(POINTER) + 256 * PEEK(POINTER + 1) ' set drive number to clean POKE ASSEM + 13, DRV ' compute relocation address TADR = ASSEM + 11: TADRH = INT(TADR / 256) IF TADR > 32767 THEN TADR = TADR - 65536! END IF TADRL = TADR AND &HFF ' put new address pointer in POKE ASSEM + 44, TADRL: POKE ASSEM + 45, TADRH LOCATE 10, 12 COLOR 0, 7 PRINT ">> Put cleaning disk in drive "; DR$; ": and press any key <<" LOCATE 12, 18 PRINT ">> Or press <Q>uit or <C>hange drives <<" 220 DO: A$ = UCASE$(INKEY$): LOOP UNTIL LEN(A$) IF A$ = "Q" THEN GOTO 295 ELSEIF A$ = "C" THEN COLOR 7, 0, 0 CLS GOTO 290 ELSE GOTO 220 END IF LOCATE 10, 1 COLOR 7, 0 PRINT SPC(78); LOCATE 12, 1 PRINT SPC(78); LOCATE 10, 30 COLOR 31, 0 PRINT "*** Cleaning ***" COLOR 7, 0 ' call actual disk routine CALL ASSEM LOCATE 10, 1 PRINT SPC(78); LOCATE 6, 1 PRINT "Clean another disk? <Y>es or <N>o "; 280 A$ = INKEY$ SELECT CASE UCASE$(A$) CASE "Y" GOTO 290 CASE "N" GOTO 295 CASE ELSE GOTO 280 END SELECT 290 LOCATE 6, 1 PRINT SPC(78); GOTO 110 295 DEF SEG COLOR 7, 0 KEY OFF CLS END DATA 49,192,205,26,81,82,184,1,4,185,1,0,186,0,0,205,19 DATA 49,192,205,26,60,0,91,88,80,83,116,7,129,195,176,0 DATA 21,24,0,129,195,34,2,21,0,0,190,11,1,128,52,39,57 DATA 200,119,209,57,211,119,205,88,88,49,192,205,19,203 ' checksum DATA 5785 --- * Origin: Night Shift BBS (314)635-7588 HST 14.4 (1:289/15)
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