BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 07-11-92 (15:50) Number: 217 From: MARK BUTLER Refer#: NONE To: BRYAN HOOVER Recvd: NO Subj: Re: Qb2bin? Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
On 07-10-92 BRYAN HOOVER wrote to MARK BUTLER... BH> Hey Mark, I got your screen saving file - with C .obj - and it did BH> not work. I tried it on my color monitor. Was the routine meant for BH> mono? I just wanted to let you know in case there's some bug you're BH> unaware of. ???huh??? Hmmm, it *should* work. I haven't had it choke on anything yet. Let's try another test with it (see code below). BH> Would you mind posting for those of us who are a bit new to this a BH> brief outline of what these files (UUE11, BIN2QB, etc.) do? I have BH> not had a lot of time to sit down and playwith them and have seen BH> only bits and pieces of explaination. Well, with all these different bin to data conversion algorithyms floating around on the echo the shortest explanation of what they are doing is rendering binary files (coms, exes, objs etc) into a form that Fido will not object to. That is, to send binary material in a post here on the echo the text _must_ be lo-ascii printable characters. That is what these conversion programs are doing. BH> PPS - did you ever run accros that color attribute formula? Not yet. Ok, here's a little test-code to run MovBytes with (again). The first snippet is the QB test code. The second snippet is a recreator file to make MovBytes.obj included just in case your copy was corrupted. -----------------------8< CUT HERE 8<---------------------------- DEFINT A-Z DECLARE SUB DrawBox (Uprow%, Ltcol%, Lorow%, Rtcol%) DECLARE SUB SaveScrn (Scr()) DECLARE SUB RestScrn (Scr()) DECLARE SUB MovBytes (fromseg, fromoff, destseg, destoff, nbytes) DIM ScrA(4000) SCREEN 0 COLOR 7, 1 CLS FOR i% = 1 TO 2000 PRINT CHR$(176); NEXT LOCATE 25, 18 PRINT "Press CTRL-C to quit or any other key to continue"; DoIt: SLEEP SaveScrn ScrA() COLOR 0, 7 DrawBox 5, 15, 15, 65 LOCATE 10, 30 PRINT "Well... is it working?" SLEEP RestScrn ScrA() GOTO DoIt SUB DrawBox (Uprow%, Ltcol%, Lorow%, Rtcol%) Wide% = (Rtcol% - Ltcol%) - 1 LOCATE Uprow%, Ltcol% PRINT CHR$(201); STRING$(Wide%, CHR$(205)); CHR$(187); FOR i = Uprow% + 1 TO Lorow% - 1 LOCATE i, Ltcol% PRINT CHR$(186); SPACE$(Wide%); CHR$(186); NEXT i LOCATE Lorow%, Ltcol% PRINT CHR$(200); STRING$(Wide%, CHR$(205)); CHR$(188); END SUB SUB RestScrn (Scr()) STATIC DEF SEG = &H40 equip = PEEK(&H10) IF (equip AND 48) = 48 THEN destseg = &HB000 ELSE destseg = &HB800 END IF destoff = 0 fromseg = VARSEG(Scr(0)) fromoff = VARPTR(Scr(0)) nbytes = 4000 MovBytes fromseg, fromoff, destseg, destoff, nbytes END SUB SUB SaveScrn (Scr()) STATIC DEF SEG = &H40 equip = PEEK(&H10) IF (equip AND 48) = 48 THEN fromseg = &HB000 ELSE fromseg = &HB800 END IF fromoff = 0 destseg = VARSEG(Scr(0)) destoff = VARPTR(Scr(0)) nbytes = 4000 MovBytes fromseg, fromoff, destseg, destoff, nbytes END SUB -----------------------8< CUT HERE 8<---------------------------- Now for MovBytes.obj -----------------------8< CUT HERE 8<---------------------------- DEFINT A-Z ' Created by BIN2QB 3.2 freeware 7/92 f$="MOVBYTES.OBJ":LSBs=3 CLS : PRINT "Creating ";f$ OPEN f$ FOR BINARY AS #1 :FSize&= 418 ON ERROR GOTO Done:LOCATE 2,1:PRINT STRING$(50,176) DO READ Lyne$:LynLen=LEN(Lyne$) FOR i=1 TO LynLen Power=((i-1)MOD 4)*6 B&=(ASC(MID$(Lyne$,i,1))-59)*2^Power:C&=C&+B& IF i MOD 4=0 THEN Stored&=Stored&+3:ChkSum&=ChkSum& AND C& ChkSum&=ChkSum&+(C& XOR &H1D1E):LOCATE 2,1 PRINT STRING$(CINT(Stored&/FSize&*50),219):LOCATE 2,53 PRINT USING "###";CINT(Stored&/FSize&*50)*2; PRINT "%":IF Stored&>FSize& THEN LSBs=3+(FSize&-Stored&) Bin$=LEFT$(MKL$(C&),LSBs) PUT #1,,Bin$:C&=0 END IF NEXT i:LOOP DATA ;m;;EoqVqDQYoPqWiGASCU;;;?U;>T@;Qy>;;KkKJLOL?KOKO@O<>x_NNLp;=HpO DATA CSOKMx@L<LPKDK=DN`PN=x?NNT;L@DoOTpo<_K=PT<PLNT;L@D?PT<@;QA@;HooN DATA QDOQOPoOZLPLSLP<ZLOKO@O<>x_NNL@<ZDoONT;LBDpNP<P>Hx_P=`@P@HpR?@?P DATA <tKNJT`KTLPLNxpKJtoOOlKNJT`KTLPLNx`KNH@;SY;;C\=;FCK;;[t<;[?;;kk; DATA <;;aB;;M;;K>??;;SY;;C<;;IOK;;[t<;;=;;W;=<;;aB;;C;;K=E?;;Ci<;;?;C DATA [;=C[;=C[;=C[;=C[;=C[;=C[;=C[;=;U];;Jwj;zJkz?;;bF;;?<?\;MGk??KO; DATA ;[S=;;kbHlOM=HOL;[S<;;KbkoA;Gq;;EwpR\HaWoPrW`LA;;kC>;_kRhxaX`LQS DATA o@A;;;EF;?;;;Op]gjcRAwzHFu@=zZn]YdkzrgcRGwzHFu`>zZ^a;;;;;GClEo`m DATA E;;;WQ;;Gr\P=;;_J;;;<[KNJT`KTLPLN<;;;;[]=;;G;;;; Done: CLOSE #1: PRINT IF ChkSum&<> 7454 THEN PRINT "DATA corrupt! File deleted." KILL f$ ELSE PRINT f$;" created." END IF: END --------------------------8< CUT HERE 8<---------------------------- Ok, let's see if this one will run for ya. Let me know what happens. -----------> MHB :-) ... OFFLINE 1.40 * Shareware author dies: .GIF at eleven! ...................................
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