BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 02-06-93 (09:42) Number: 342 From: DAVID COLSTON Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Simple door 2/4 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
>>> Continued from previous message SUB CtrlBreak (Port, Present) SELECT CASE Port CASE 0 Address = &H3F8 CASE 1 Address = &H2F8 CASE 2 Address = &H3E8 CASE ELSE Address = &H2E8 END SELECT Old1 = INP(Address + 1) OUT Address + 1, 0 Old2 = INP(Address + 3) SetLow = Old2 OR &H40 A# = TIMER OUT Address + 3, SetLow Delay .5 OUT Address + 3, Old2 'Set it back the way it was! OUT Address + 1, Old1 END SUB DEFSNG A-Z SUB Delay (X!) STATIC CheckTime! = TIMER WHILE TIMER < CheckTime! + X! WEND END SUB DEFINT A-Z SUB ErrorMessage (A$, X) STATIC A$ = "" SELECT CASE X CASE 3 A$ = "Return with out GOSUB." CASE 4 A$ = "Out of Data." CASE 5 A$ = "Illegal Function Call." CASE 6 A$ = "Math Overflow." CASE 7 A$ = "Out of Memory." CASE 9 A$ = "Subscript out of range." CASE 11 A$ = "Division by Zero." CASE 14 A$ = "Out of String Space." CASE 16 A$ = "String Formula Too Complex." CASE 19 A$ = "No RESUME." CASE 20 A$ = "RESUME without error." CASE 24 A$ = "Device TimeOut." CASE 25 A$ = "Device Fault." CASE 27 A$ = "Out of Paper." CASE 39 A$ = "Case Else Expected." CASE 40 A$ = "Variable Required." CASE 50 A$ = "Field OverFlow." CASE 51 A$ = "Internal Error." CASE 52 A$ = "Bad File Name or Number." CASE 53 A$ = "File Not Found." CASE 54 A$ = "Bad File Mode." CASE 55 A$ = "File Already Open." CASE 56 A$ = "Field Statement Active." CASE 57 A$ = "Device I/O Error." CASE 58 A$ = "File Already exists." CASE 59 A$ = "Bad Record Length." CASE 61 A$ = "Disk Full." CASE 62 A$ = "Input past end of file." CASE 63 A$ = "Bad Record Number." CASE 64 A$ = "Bad File Name." CASE 67 A$ = "Too many files." CASE 68 A$ = "Device Unavailable." CASE 69 A$ = "Communications Buffer OverFlow." CASE 70 A$ = "Access Denied." CASE 71 A$ = "Disk or Drive Not Ready." CASE 72 A$ = "Disk Media Error. (Bad Disk!)" CASE 75 A$ = "Path/File access error." CASE 76 A$ = "Path not Found." CASE ELSE A$ = "Unknown Error #" + STR$(X) END SELECT END SUB SUB FossDeinit (Port, Reg AS RegType) ' Release the FOSSIL device driver = &H500 Reg.dx = Port Interrupt &H14, Reg, Reg END SUB SUB FossInit (Port, Present, Reg AS RegType) Present = -1 ' Initialize the FOSSIL device driver ' ' dx = Communications port number (0-3) ' ah = &H04 Fossil Function Number - Initialize FOSSIL driver ' (Raises DTR in the porcess) Reg.dx = Port = &H400 Interrupt &H14, Reg, Reg IF <> &H1954 THEN Present = 0 'Fossil Not Found END IF END SUB >>> Continued to next message * OLX 2.1 TD * Colston & Associates, Inc. 501-452-2928 or 501-785-2208 --- WM v2.06/92-0178 * Origin: Paradox of Arkansas *Wildcat 3.0* 501-646-7158 (1:3822/1)
Books at Amazon:
Back to BASIC: The History, Corruption, and Future of the Language
Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (including Tiny BASIC)
Go to: The Story of the Math Majors, Bridge Players, Engineers, Chess Wizards, Scientists and Iconoclasts who were the Hero Programmers of the Software Revolution
The Advent of the Algorithm: The Idea that Rules the World
Moths in the Machine: The Power and Perils of Programming
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