BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 02-06-93 (09:42) Number: 341 From: DAVID COLSTON Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Simple door 1/4 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
A local sysop wanted a door to roll dice for a dungeons and dragons game. I thought you might like to see it. Some of the code might look familar<g>. Not all of the fossil routines are used, but are offered for completeness. --------------------Cut here------------------------------------ DECLARE SUB CheckPortStatus (Port%, Info%, Reg AS ANY) DECLARE SUB FossInit (Port%, Present%, Reg AS ANY) DECLARE SUB GetChar (Port%, Good%, InBound$, Present%, Reg AS ANY) DECLARE SUB PrintCon (A$, Reg AS ANY) DECLARE SUB SendChar (Port%, Sent%, Present%, Outbound$, Reg AS ANY) '$INCLUDE: 'C:\bc7\src\QBX.BI' ' Include Data Types for IN DEFINT A-Z '$STATIC DIM Reg AS RegType ' Used for INTERRUPT calls A# = TIMER + 120 'Allow only two minute in this door 'This saves us from constantly monitoring 'carrier detect. ON TIMER(A#) GOSUB Quit ON KEY(10) GOSUB Quit'Allow local bail out by sysop TIMER ON KEY(10) ON Port = VAL(LTRIM$(RTRIM$(COMMAND$)))' Port =0 is port 1, etc. Start: DIM Rolls(1000) FossInit Port, Present, Reg 'Find out if fossil is present or 'if we're just looking on a PC. Bits = 8 'Defaults for almost all boards! Stops = 1 Parity$ = "N" SendChar Port, Sent, Present, CHR$(12), Reg 'Just in case they 'have X$ = CHR$(27) + "[2J Dice Door 1.0 By David Colston (c) 1993" X$ = X$+ CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) 'Send ansii clear screen and return; line feed X$ = X$ + " Enter your character name:" FOR I = 1 TO LEN(X$) SendChar Port, Sent, Present, MID$(X$, I, 1), Reg PrintCon MID$(X$, I, 1), Reg'Echo to board consol. NEXT DO GetChar Port, Good, InBound$, Present, Reg IF Good THEN IF InBound$ <> CHR$(13) THEN User$ = User$ + InBound$ SendChar Port, Sent, Present, InBound$, Reg PrintCon InBound$, Reg END IF LOOP UNTIL InBound$ = CHR$(13) DiceSides: X$ = CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " Enter Number of Dice Sides:" FOR I = 1 TO LEN(X$) SendChar Port, Sent, Present, MID$(X$, I, 1), Reg PrintCon MID$(X$, I, 1), Reg NEXT Sides$ = "" DO GetChar Port, Good, InBound$, Present, Reg IF Good THEN IF INSTR(1, "1234567890", InBound$) > 0 THEN Sides$ = Sides$ + InBound$ SendChar Port, Sent, Present, InBound$, Reg END IF PrintCon InBound$, Reg END IF LOOP UNTIL InBound$ = CHR$(13) IF VAL(Sides$) < 2 OR VAL(Sides$) > 100 THEN GOTO DiceSides Dice: X$ = CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " Enter Number of Dice :" FOR I = 1 TO LEN(X$) SendChar Port, Sent, Present, MID$(X$, I, 1), Reg PrintCon MID$(X$, I, 1), Reg NEXT Dice$ = "" DO GetChar Port, Good, InBound$, Present, Reg IF Good THEN IF INSTR(1, "1234567890", InBound$) > 0 THEN Dice$ = Dice$ + InBound$ SendChar Port, Sent, Present, InBound$, Reg END IF PrintCon InBound$, Reg END IF LOOP UNTIL InBound$ = CHR$(13) IF VAL(Dice$) < 2 OR VAL(Dice$) > 100 THEN GOTO Dice Grey = FREEFILE OPEN "Greyhawk.rol" FOR APPEND AS Grey' Output for game bulletin PRINT #Grey, "On "; DATE$; " "; User$; " had the following roll." PRINT #Grey, "# Dice = "; Dice$; " # Sides = "; Sides$ RANDOMIZE TIMER TotalRoll = 0 FOR I = 1 TO VAL(Dice$) Roll = INT(RND(1) * VAL(Sides$)) + 1 X$ = CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " Die" + STR$(I) + " Showed" + STR$(Roll) TotalRoll = TotalRoll + Roll FOR J = 1 TO LEN(X$) SendChar Port, Sent, Present, MID$(X$, J, 1), Reg PrintCon MID$(X$, J, 1), Reg NEXT PRINT #Grey, RIGHT$(X$, LEN(X$) - 2) NEXT X$ = CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " Total Rolled Was" + STR$(TotalRoll) PRINT #Grey, RIGHT$(X$, LEN(X$) - 2) PRINT #Grey, SPACE$(10) FOR J = 1 TO LEN(X$) SendChar Port, Sent, Present, MID$(X$, J, 1), Reg PrintCon MID$(X$, J, 1), Reg NEXT SendChar Port, Sent, Present, CHR$(13), Reg X$ = CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " Press any key." FOR J = 1 TO LEN(X$) SendChar Port, Sent, Present, MID$(X$, J, 1), Reg PrintCon MID$(X$, J, 1), Reg NEXT DO GetChar Port, Good, InBound$, Present, Reg IF Good THEN PrintCon InBound$, Reg LOOP UNTIL Good Quit: END 'This door in not error trapped one of you Guys might do better! SUB CheckPortStatus (Port, Info, Reg AS RegType) ' ah = &H03 Fossil Function Number - Status ' al = &H00 Place Holder ' dx = Communications port number (0-3) Reg.dx = Port = &H300 Interrupt &H14, Reg, Reg IF ( AND &H80) <> 0 THEN Info = (Info OR &H1) ' carrier detect present ? IF ( AND &H100) <> 0 THEN Info = (Info OR &H2) ' buffer has data? IF ( AND &H200) <> 0 THEN Info = (Info OR &H4) ' Was buffer overun? IF ( AND &H4000) = 0 THEN Info = (Info OR &H8) ' output buffer data ? IF ( AND &H2000) = 0 THEN Info = (Info OR &H10) ' Is output buffer overrun? END SUB >>> Continued to next message * OLX 2.1 TD * Colston & Associates, Inc. 501-452-2928 or 501-785-2208
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