BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 02-05-93 (04:23) Number: 391 From: ROB MCKEE Refer#: NONE To: ERIC MAYS Recvd: NO Subj: Re: HELP PLEASE!!!! 1 of Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Hello Eric! You wrote in a message to Geoffrey Liu: EM> How can I repplace all theinput and line input statements... EM> Tell me the way to do it because I'm stuck making a security EM> menu system that anyone can ctrl -c out of... ----------- 8< ----------- 'Another Quik_Bas Kludge-O-Matic DEFINT A - Z FUNCTION LineIn$ (EchoChar$) ' Usage: ' PassWord$= LineIn$(chr$(168)) ' If PassWord$= Chr$(0) then GOTO Abort ' If EchoChar$="" then print actual character ' Very Basic Input routine Gam$ = "" DO DO: i$ = INKEY$: LOOP UNTIL i$ <> "" IF i$ = CHR$(27) THEN LineIn$ = CHR$(0) EXIT FUNCTION ELSEIF LEN(i$) > 2 THEN ' ELSEIF i$ = CHR$(13) THEN LineIn$ = Gam$: EXIT DO ELSEIF i$ = CHR$(8) THEN Gam$ = LEFT$(Gam$, LEN(Gam$) - 1) LOCATE , POS(0) - 1: PRINT " "; LOCATE , POS(0) - 1 ELSEIF i$ < " " THEN ' Eat any other Control Codes ELSEif Len(i$)=1 then IF EchoChar$="" THEN PRINT i$; ELSE PRINT EchoChar$; ENDIF Gam$ = Gam$ + i$ END IF LOOP END FUNCTION ------------ 1 of 2 functions and 2 messages -------- EM> Thanks A Million!!! Na... you need to send me 10% ;) Catcha Later , I'll see you on the flip side - Rob --- timEd/B6 * Origin: Another Quik_Bas Point in Richmond, CA (1:125/1212.13)
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