BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 01-31-93 (15:14) Number: 375 From: ROB MCKEE Refer#: NONE To: ANNE BUSSELL Recvd: NO Subj: Exiting with a DOS Errorl Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Hello Anne! You wrote in a message to All: AB> Is there anyway to force a QuickBASIC program to exit on a AB> particular DOS errorlevel??? Here a trick that I use: CLOSE StuffKeyBuff "ErrorSav" + CHR$(13) ' I'll let you figure that out.. <G> OPEN "ErLvSav.dat" FOR OUTPUT AS 1: CLOSE KILL "ErLvSav.DAT" OPEN "ErLvSav.DAT" FOR BINARY AS 1 A$= RIGHT$("000"+LTRIM$(STR$(EXITCODE%)),3) A$= A$+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10)+chr$(26)+CHR$(EXITCODE%) PUT #1,,A$ END 'Then get's run and read's the ErlvSav.dat and issues the ' Errorlevel stored in it, then it kills the ErLvSav.Dat Here's the Hex for ErrorSav.COM The Asm prog is after the Hex and is writen for A86 assembler Length AB E94D0045724C765361762E6461740000000000000D0A2400546869732050 26F 6772616D204861732070726F626C656D730D0A2445524C565341562E4441 420 776173204E6F7420466F756E640D0A241E1EE91C00BA3401E80C00E90E00 A18 01E80300E90500B409CD21C3B8004CCD210E1FBA030133C9B8003DCD2172 6A3 0F0193B90700BA1101B43FCD21C606160124B43ECD21BA0301B80041CD21 A11 01E8C3FFA01701B44CCD21 ORG 0100 jmp main ErLvSav DB 'ErLvSav.dat', 0 FileHandle DW 0 out_100 DB 0 out_10 DB 0 out_1 DB 0 out_str DB 0D,0A EndOfStr DB 024 ErrorLevel DB 00 OopsMsg DB 'This Program Has problems',0d,0a,024 FileNotFnd DB 'ERLVSAV.DAT was Not Found',0d,0a,024 NotFnd: mov dx,offset FileNotFnd call outStr jmp exit0 Oops: mov dx,offset OopsMsg call outStr jmp exit0 outstr: mov ah,9 int 021 ret Exit0: mov ax,04c00 int 021 main: mov dx, offset ErLvSav xor cx,cx mov ax,03d00 int 021 jc NotFnd mov FileHandle,ax xchg bx,ax mov cx,07 mov dx,offset Out_100 mov ah,03f int 021 mov EndOfStr, 024 mov ah,03e int 021 mov dx, offset ErLvSav mov ax,04100 int 021 MOV DX,Offset Out_100 Call OutStr MOV AL,ErrorLevel MOV AH,04c INT 021 Catcha Later , I'll see you on the flip side - Rob --- timEd/B6 * Origin: Flyer_Proof_Computer_Svs,V32B,V42B,XA (1:125/1212.13)
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