BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 07-09-92 (23:47) Number: 298 From: MARK BUTLER Refer#: NONE To: BRUCE GROEN Recvd: NO Subj: Tag_Revs 1/4 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
On 07-07-92 Bruce Groen wrote to Mark Butler... BG> Sounds great Mark but where can I get WSNDS.OBJ? Can I freq it BG> from you or did you post it here with datamakr? If so when did you BG> post it? Thanks for your help. Hmmm, I posted it for use with some modifications I had made to Ray Carson's "TagMenu". I had altered TagMenu to incorporate the use of Christy Gemmel's exploding/imploding window routines. Actually you could use them with any window-popup routine you want to. Here's a bit of pseudo-code to show you how to fit the sounds in.... DECLARE SUB Phweep () DECLARE SUB Phwoop () DECLARE SUB Pip () Phweep '<------- Window opening sound CALL MakeWindow (row%, col%, etc, etc) '<-------- Your favorite . windowing routine . . . <other code> . . Phwoop '<------- Window closing sound CALL CloseWindow (blah%, blah%) '<------- Whatever you use to close up your window and restore the screen That's all there is to it. Just call 'Phweep' or 'Phwoop' just before opening or closing a window box respectively. Now 'Pip' is a little sound that sounds much like its name. I use it to give a sound effect to important keypresses i.e in Ray's TagMenu evry time you 'tag' and item you hear a 'pip' as well. Just fit it into an inkey$ routine where you think you will need it.... DO keypress$ = INKEY$ IF keypress$ <> "" THEN Pip '<---------- "Pip" each time you END IF press a key LOOP The following is a 'BIN2QB' script to recreate 'WSNDS.OBJ'. Just load it into the environment and run it. --------------------------8< CUT HERE 8<---------------------------- DEFINT A-Z ' Created by BIN2QB.EXE freeware 6/92 CLS : PRINT "Creating WSNDS.OBJ" OPEN "WSNDS.OBJ" FOR BINARY AS #1 ON ERROR GOTO Done DO READ Lyne$:LynLen=LEN(Lyne$):PRINT "."; FOR j = 1 TO LynLen STEP 2 Char$="&H"+MID$(Lyne$,j,2):Ascii=VAL(Char$) ChkSum = (ChkSum + Ascii) * 2 ChkSum = (ChkSum \ 256) + (ChkSum MOD 256) Char$=CHR$(Ascii) PUT #1, , Char$:NEXT j:LOOP DATA 8009000777736E64732E630088060000A101435600963F000004434F4445044441 DATA 544105434F4E535403425353084641525F4441544109242453594D424F4C530644 DATA 454253594D072424545950455306444542545950009645000A57534E44535F5445 DATA 5854055F4441544105434F4E5354045F425353064447524F55500A57534E44535F DATA 444154410B57534E44535F434F4E53540957534E44535F4253530098070048B700 DATA 0B0201009807004800000C0301009807004800000D0401009807004800000E0501 DATA 0098070020000007080100980700200000090A0100881B00000120202020202020 DATA 2020202020202020202020202020202020009A08000FFF02FF03FF04009C0B0010 DATA 01110212031304440100880900009F4D4C4942434500880500009D306D008C0D00 DATA 0A5F5F61637274757365640000A0BB00010000558BEC81EC00005657FABAE803BB DATA D007B0B6E6438BC3E6428AC4E642E4610C03E661B96400E2FE4B4A23D275E7E461 DATA 24FCE661FBB8004C5F5E8BE55DCB90558BEC81EC00005657FABAE803BBD007B0B6 DATA E6438BC3E6428AC4E642E4610C03E661B96400E2FE434A23D275E7E46124FCE661 DATA FBB8004C5F5E8BE55DCB90558BEC81EC00005657BA6400BBDC05B0B6E6438BC3E6 DATA 428AC4E642E4610C03E661B9AA00E2FE4B4A23D275E7E46124FCE661B8004C5F5E DATA 8BE55DCB00901E00000106504857454550000000065048574F4F503E0000035049 DATA 507C000000B20F000101050000004300000081000000008A02003000 Done: CLOSE #1: PRINT IF ChkSum<> 146 THEN PRINT "DATA corrupt! File deleted." KILL "WSNDS.OBJ" END IF: END --------------------------8< CUT HERE 8<---------------------------- -----------> MHB :-) ... OFFLINE 1.40 * "Where does he get all those marvelous toys?" - Bush --- DB B1073/001271 * Origin: * Bare Bones BBS * (1:105/360)
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