BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 01-31-93 (21:20) Number: 399 From: MARK BUTLER Refer#: NONE To: JOHN GREAVES Recvd: NO Subj: MENUS Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Once upon a time John Greaves uttered these sage words to Eric Mays: JG> Hi Eric, JG> In a letter to all you asked how to EM> GET A CLOCK ON THE SCREEN. JG> I am sure there are lots of ways. here is one JG> SUB printtime JG> tx$ = LEFT$(TIME$, 2) JG> SELECT CASE tx$ JG> CASE IS = "00": t1$ = "12" JG> CASE IS = "01": t1$ = "1" JG> CASE IS = "02": t1$ = "2" Phew! If I had half of those 'cases' I could open a beer store! <g> You could simplify this a great deal like so... ==========================8< Cut Here 8<============================= DECLARE FUNCTION Clock$ () CLS COLOR 0, 7 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT SPACE$(80); LOCATE 1, 30 PRINT "Clock will update once per minute => " GOSUB ClockDisplay COLOR 7, 0 TIMER ON '*** Enable timer-event trapping. ON TIMER(60) GOSUB ClockDisplay '*** Once every 60 secs the clock '*** display will be updated. DO LOCATE 12, 20 PRINT "Simulated application running :"; TIMER LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(27) END ClockDisplay: LOCATE 1, 73 COLOR 1, 7 PRINT Clock$ SOUND 750, 1 SOUND 550, 1 COLOR 7, 0 RETURN FUNCTION Clock$ '*** This is the function I wanted to show you, '*** the following is all you really have to do to get a '*** standard time display (am-pm type) into a string. '*** The other stuff above is just some code to demonstrate it. Hour = VAL(LEFT$(TIME$, 2)) IF Hour < 12 THEN AmPm$ = "am" ELSEIF Hour >= 12 THEN Hour = Hour - 12 AmPm$ = "pm" END IF IF Hour = 0 THEN Hour = 12 Minute$ = MID$(TIME$, 3, 3) Clock$ = LTRIM$(STR$(Hour)) + Minute$ + AmPm$ END FUNCTION ==========================8< Cut Here 8<============================= תש [-M-H-B-] שת --- timEd/B7 * Don't hate yourself in the morning, sleep till noon! * Origin: MotherShip Portholes, Portland OR (1:105/319.32)
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