BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 01-29-93 (16:01) Number: 378 From: ROB MCKEE Refer#: NONE To: MATT ROBERTS Recvd: NO Subj: QuickBASIC Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Hello Matt! Matt Roberts wrote in a message to Bobby Miller: > TRANSCAN -F > How would the program I write be able to know that > the "-F" is there, MR> Look up COMMAND$ in your QuickBASIC manual, Bobby. Keep in MR> mind (as several folks were kind enough to point out to me MR> here) that COMMAND$ always returns upper case, so you'll MR> have to set your routines to look for -F regardless of MR> whether or not you type -f from the command line. Or from a compiled program to return a True Case Command line... ' $include: '' DIM r AS RegType = &H5100 interrupt &H21, r, r DEF SEG = r.bx Cmd$ = SPACE$(PEEK(&H80)) FOR t = &H81 TO &H80 + PEEK(&H80) d = PEEK(t) IF d = 13 THEN Cmd$ = LEFT$(Cmd$, t) EXIT FOR END IF MID$(Cmd$, t - &H80, 1) = CHR$(PEEK(t)) NEXT DEF SEG PRINT Cmd$ Catcha Later Matt, I'll see you on the flip side - Rob Vote Zack_Jones,Quik_Bas Moderator --- timEd/B6 * Origin: Flyer_Proof_Computer_Svs,V32B,V42B,XA (1:125/1212.13)
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