BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 07-09-92 (08:08) Number: 283 From: FRANCOIS ROY Refer#: NONE To: BRYAN FLICK Recvd: NO Subj: Re: BRUN45 Patch Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
BF> Is there a way I can "patch" the BRUN45.EXE program so that instead of BF> printing "Hit any key to return to the system." it will execute these A long time ago, someone sent me this patch to remove the pause waiting for the infamous 'Any key': Area : (C:\MSG\QUIKBAS) From : PAT MARR 12-Nov-91 08:35:00 To : ALL 14-Nov-91 00:01:40 Subj.: PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE 'One disadvantage of QB is that some errors evoke the dreaded "Press a 'key to Continue" prompt. When writing doors, you can't live with 'errors that require manual intervention from the sysops keyboard. 'Here is a handy routine I found on WWIVNET's QB forum. It is a patch 'that modifies QB EXE's so they no longer require a manual keypress 'to continue after certain errors: 'Zargon #1 @6655 'Sat Aug 10, 1991 00:33 DEFINT A-Z CLS PRINT "QB-Patch 1.00" PRINT "Courtesy of: Roland De Graaf" PRINT " Virtual Reality BBS" PRINT " 616-399-4818 - 24hrs - HST 14.4" PRINT LINE INPUT "File to be patched: "; f$ s$ = "e2f8b8070ccd21" n$ = "e2f8b8070c9090" GOSUB patch SYSTEM patch: j$ = "" nb = LEN(s$) \ 2 FOR k = 1 TO nb j$ = j$ + CHR$(VAL("&H" + MID$(s$, (k - 1) * 2 + 1, 2))) NEXT y$ = "" nb2 = LEN(n$) \ 2 FOR k = 1 TO nb2 y$ = y$ + CHR$(VAL("&H" + MI D$(n$, (k - 1) * 2 + 1, 2))) NEXT xx& = 0 OPEN f$ FOR BINARY AS 1 LEN = 1024 pt& = 1 df = 0 DO UNTIL df nbr = 1000 nbrr& = LOF(1) - pt& + 1 IF nbr >= nbrr& THEN nbr = nbrr&: df = 1 t$ = SPACE$(nbr) GET 1, pt&, t$ pp = INSTR(t$, j$) IF pp THEN aa& = pt& + pp - 1: PUT 1, aa&, y$: xx& = aa& pt& = pt& + LEN(t$) - 100 LOOP CLOSE 1 RETURN ~~ --- ME2_1104 * Origin: Out of String Space - the Final Frontier (Fidonet 1:163/506.2)
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