BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 01-26-93 (01:26) Number: 339 From: DIK COATES Refer#: NONE To: MARVIN HART Recvd: NO Subj: Qwk format Part 3/3 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
>>>> QUOTING Marvin Hart to All <<<< Start Part 3 of 3 (Have stripped out some of the blank lines...) MH> CONTROLL.DAT [3.2] Control file (CONTROL.DAT) The CONTROL.DAT file is a simple ASCII file. Each line is terminated with a carriage return and line feed combination. All lines should start on the first column. Line # 1 My BBS BBS name 2 New York, NY BBS city and state 3 212-555-1212 BBS phone number 4 John Doe, Sysop BBS Sysop name 5 20052,MYBBS Mail door registration #, BBSID 6 01-01-1991,23:59:59 Mail packet creation time 7 JANE DOE User name (upper case) 8 Name of menu for Qmail, blank if none 9 0 ? Seem to be always zero 10 999 Total number of messages in packet 11 121 Total number of conference minus 1 12 0 1st conf. number 13 Main Board 1st conf. name (13 characters or less) 14 1 2nd conf. number 15 General 2nd conf. name .. 3 etc. onward until it hits max. conf. .. 123 Last conf. number .. Amiga_I Last conf. name .. HELLO Welcome screen file .. NEWS BBS news file .. SCRIPT0 Log off screen Some mail doors, such as MarkMail, will send additional information about the user from here on. 0 ? 25 Number of lines that follow this one JANE DOE User name in uppercase Jane User first name in mixed case NEW YORK, NY User city information 718 555-1212 User data phone number 718 555-1212 User home phone number 108 Security level 00-00-00 Expiration date 01-01-91 Last log on date 23:59 Last log on time 999 Log on count 0 Current conference number on the BBS 0 Total KB downloaded 999 Download count 0 Total KB uploaded 999 Upload count 999 Minutes per day 999 Minutes remaining today 999 Minutes used this call 32767 Max. download KB per day 32767 Remaining KB today 0 KB downloaded today 23:59 Current time on BBS 01-01-91 Current date on BBS My BBS BBS network tag-line 0 ? Some mail doors will offer the option of sending an abbreviated confer- ence list. That means the list will contain only conferences the user has selected. This is done because some mail readers cannot handle more than n conferences at this time. Users using those readers will need this option if the BBS they call have too many conferences. [3.3] Welcome file This file usually contains the log on screen from the BBS. The exact filename is specified in the CONTROL.DAT file, after the conference list. This file may be in any format the Sysop chooses it be -- usu- ally either in plain ASCII or with ANSI screen control code. Some Sysops (notably PCBoard Sysops) may use BBS-specific color change code in this file as well. Current mail programs seem to handle the trans- lations between BBS-specific code to ANSI based screen control codes. Even if the CONTROL.DAT file contains the filename of this file, it may not actually exist in the mail packet. Sometimes, users will manually delete this file before entering the mail reader. Some off- line readers offer the option to not display this welcome screen; some will display this file regardless. Some doors, similarly, will offer option to the user to not send this file. [3.4] Goodbye file Similar to the welcome file above, the filename to the goodbye file is in the CONTROL.DAT file. This is the file the BBS displays when the user logs off the board. It is optional, as always, to send this file or to display it. [3.5] News file Many mail doors offer the option to send the news file from the BBS. Most will only send this when it has been updated. Like the welcome and goodbye files, the filename to the news file is found in the CON- TROL.DAT file. It can be in any format the Sysop chooses, but usually in either ASCII or ANSI. Like the welcome screen, current mail facili- ties seem to handle translation between BBS-specific control codes to ANSI screen control codes. [3.6] Qmail DeLuxe2 menu file This file is of use only for Qmail DeLuxe2 mail reader by Sparkware. The filename is found on line 8 of the CONTROL.DAT file. [3.7] New uploads listing (NEWFILES.DAT) Most mail programs on the BBS will offer the option to scan new files uploaded to the BBS. The result is found in a file named NEWFILES.DAT. The mail program, if implementing this, should update the last file scan field in the user's profile, if there is such a field, as well as other information required by the BBS. The mail program should, of course, scan new files only in those areas the user is allowed access. [3.8] Bulletin files (BLT-x.y) Most mail programs will also offer the option to include updated bulle- tin files found on the BBS in the mail packet. The bulletins are named BLT-x.y, where x is the conference/echo the bulletin came from, and y the bulletin's actual number. The mail program will have to take care of updating the last read date on the bulletins in the user record. End of Part 3 of 3... Trusting this helps a bit! Regards Dik, Oshawa, Canada ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.10 --- Maximus 2.00 * Origin: Durham Systems (ONLINE!) (1:229/110)
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