BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 01-21-93 (06:42) Number: 394 From: JAMES VAHN Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Page-Me Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
A recent question got me to thinking and I came up with this- it watches the phone line for a RING from the modem and calls another number (my pager) to let me know a message might be on the answering machine, which I can call to get the messages that I usually miss.. Now if I could just get it to talk.. ;-) '=============================================================== ' page-me.bas James Vahn 1:30854/20@fidonet ' Wait for the phone to ring, then dials a pager number. ' ON COM(2) GOSUB GetBuf COM(2) ON OPEN "COM2:2400,N,8,1" FOR RANDOM AS #1 OPEN "CONS:" FOR OUTPUT AS #2 OPEN "pager.log" FOR APPEND AS #3 Dial$ = "ATDT 555-1212,,,,,,123" ' Pager phone number- ' each comma is a modem delay. CLS LOCATE , , 1 ' Turn a cursor on. PRINT #1, "ATZ" td! = 2: GOSUB delay PRINT #1, "AT S0=0 V1 M0" ' Mostly turn verbal codes on.. td! = 2: GOSUB delay ' We'll loop forever.... DO PRINT #2, "Waiting for a call.. Hit ALT-X to exit." DO GOSUB Keyscan test = INSTR(RIGHT$(ModemIn$, 8), "RING") IF test THEN EXIT DO ' Sigh.. It Rang LOOP td! = 60: GOSUB delay PRINT #1, Dial$ ' Forward the call.. td! = 30: GOSUB delay LOOP ' Various subs: GetBuf: InStr$ = INPUT$(LOC(1), #1) ' Get what's in the modem buffer. PRINT #2, InStr$; ' Print it to the screen via CONS: PRINT #3, InStr$; ' and print it to a disk file log. ModemIn$ = RIGHT$(ModemIn$ + InStr$, 10240)' Save it in ModemIn$ RETURN delay: x! = (TIMER + td!) MOD 86400 WHILE TIMER < x! GOSUB Keyscan WEND RETURN Keyscan: a$ = INKEY$ IF a$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(45) THEN CLOSE : END ' ALT-X to exit. RETURN '-end- * SLMR 2.1a * --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: Inland Empire Archive (1:346/10)
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