BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 01-12-93 (06:09) Number: 393 From: HYLTON PEIMER Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Analogue Clock Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Here is a simple analogue clock which will start beeping before the 'hour and will play music on the hour. Hope someone finds it useful. '-------------clock.bas--------------- CLS Active% = 1 Start% = 3 DO IF Start% THEN FOR g% = 1 TO 25 LOCATE g%, 1 PRINT STRING$(80, "²"); NEXT g% Start% = Start% - 1 END IF S$ = MID$(TIME$, 7, 2) M$ = MID$(TIME$, 4, 2) H$ = MID$(TIME$, 1, 2) RealHour% = VAL(H$) Minute% = VAL(M$) Second% = VAL(S$) IF RealHour% > 12 THEN LET Hour% = RealHour% - 12 ELSE Hour% = RealHour% END IF SCREEN 9, , Visible%, Active% VIEW SCREEN (160, 60)-(480, 290) CLS 1 COLOR 9, 15 CIRCLE (320, 175), 150 PAINT (320, 175) LOCATE 6, 40: PRINT "12" LOCATE 19, 36: PRINT " AUSTRALIA "; COLOR 14 TempAngle% = 360 - (30 * Hour% + Minute% / 2) Angle$ = LTRIM$(STR$(TempAngle%)) DRAW "C15TA" + Angle$ + "NU55" DRAW "C15TA" + Angle$ + "ND8" Angle$ = LTRIM$(STR$(360 - (6 * Minute%))) DRAW "C15TA" + Angle$ + "NU90" DRAW "C15TA" + Angle$ + "ND8" Angle$ = LTRIM$(STR$(360 - (6 * Second%))) DRAW "C4TA" + Angle$ + "NU100" DRAW "C4TA" + Angle$ + "ND10" LOCATE 24, 6: PRINT " Hours: "; RealHour%; LOCATE 24, 32: PRINT " Minutes: "; Minute%; LOCATE 24, 62: PRINT " Seconds: "; Second%; SWAP Visible%, Active% IF (Minute% = 59) AND (Second% > 40) AND (Second% MOD 2) > 0 THEN IF Second% <> OldSecond% THEN PLAY "MB b " OldSecond% = Second% END IF END IF IF Second% = 0 AND Minute% = 0 AND Used% THEN HourChime$ = "o3 L8 E D+ E D+ E o2 B o3 D C L2 o2 A" PLAY "MB X" + VARPTR$(HourChime$) Used% = 0 END IF IF Minute% <> 0 THEN LET Used% = 1 LOOP UNTIL LEN(INKEY$) SHELL "cls" '----------------------stop------------------------- ... Press <Alt-A> to Adopt Me! I need a better home. --- Blue Wave/Max v2.01 [NR] * Origin: QuickSHARE's Australian HQ (03) 752-3949 (3:633/371.0)
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