BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 01-16-93 (01:08) Number: 375 From: ROB MCKEE Refer#: NONE To: KEITH WATKINS Recvd: NO Subj: Re: DISK SIZE Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Hi Keith KW> Someone had posted code to not only see how much room was left on a disk KW> but how big the disk room was in total. TYPE RegTypeX ax AS INTEGER: Bx AS INTEGER: Cx AS INTEGER: Dx AS INTEGER bp AS INTEGER: si AS INTEGER: di AS INTEGER: flags AS INTEGER END TYPE DIM Reg AS RegTypeX, Breg AS RegTypeX, Regx AS RegType, BregX AS RegType cmd$ = COMMAND$ Reg = Breg ' I do this as a fast way of Zeroing the Type Variable. = &H3600 Reg.Dx = 0 ' 0 Default Drive, 1 for A:, 2 for B:, 3 . . . CALL INTERRUPT(&H21, Reg, Reg) TotCl& = Int2Long&(Reg.Dx) AvaCl& = Int2Long&(Reg.Bx) SecCl& = Int2Long&( SecSz& = Int2Long&(Reg.Cx) CluSz& = SecCl& * SecSz& Free& = AvaCl& * CluSz& Total& = TotCl& * CluSz& Used& = Total& - Free& FUNCTION Int2Long& (TheInt%) IF TheInt% < 0 THEN Int2Long& = TheInt% + 65536 ELSE Int2Long& = TheInt% END FUNCTION TTYL - Rob McKee Ya know.... I can't Spell! --- *Msg V4.5 * Origin: Flyer Proof Computer Services V# 1-510-237-8091 (1:125/1212.13)
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