BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 01-08-93 (04:20) Number: 380 From: SEAN EMBRY Refer#: NONE To: CORIDON HENSHAW Recvd: NO Subj: !!Undocumented feature of Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Coridon, Wednesday January 06 1993, Coridon Henshaw writes to Wes Garland: CH> I never said they where for PDS only. I don't see a scrap of CH> documentation saying that you can do this anywhere. So they are still CH> undocumented ;) Microsoft QuickBasic Compiler, Document Number: DB14510-1190 Programming in BASIC, PP 6-8 (inclusive), Esp. P. 7, para. 5, and example; documents the use of the PRINT statement and resolving Boolean expressions; also as an aid to debugging logical expressions: P 8, Para 7. Also documented in PDS 7.0: Microsoft BASIC Programmer's Guide "Selected Programming Topics" Document Number: DB0114-700-R00-0390 Chapter 1, Part 1, PP 4-6, esp. P. 5, para. 2 and example. Microsoft states that PDS 7.1, if released, would not have new manuals, only update sheets. And _Logos_ PP 13-15 (inclusive), esp. below: "Deductive logic carries from the general, to the specific. Reasoning from the specific to the general is inductive logic, and is subject to the "Black Swan" falicy, IE: 'This is a Black Swan, it is a Bird, Therefore all Birds are Black.' We know from observation that not all Birds are Black, thus proving that inductive logic is not always accurate." See subject line of this message. Sean --- GoldED 2.40 * Origin: ----> The Tote Room <---- (1:114/1501)
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Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (including Tiny BASIC)
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Moths in the Machine: The Power and Perils of Programming
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