
 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 01-03-93 (16:59)             Number: 244
From: WES GARLAND                  Refer#: NONE
  To: JOHN GALLAS                   Recvd: NO  
Subj: calculations..                 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Hi John!

 JG> I need some help with some calculations I have to do.
 JG> Lets say my spaceship has coordinates of 1550 and
 JG> 1438, and is facing 348 degrees (0 being straight
 JG> up), and is traveling 3 units per "update".

Was that you asking about this stuff about a month? I wrote
you a two-hour reply, explaining the practical applications
of vector math.. I hope you got it....

 JG> How do I calculate how much to add (or subtract) to the X and
 JG> Y?  And would it still work if I wasn't using single
 JG> precision (no decimals)?

First off all, in any calculation, keep the decimals until
you absolutely can't...

ANYHOW. The easiest way to do your calculation is this...

ActualX = <your X coordinate>
ActualY = <your Y coordinate>

Set up a grid like this though:
                               |  /|
                               | / |
                               |/@ |

Your ship is at the plus. The diagonal line is R units
long, which is the amount of space covered per update. @ is
theta, the angle between the X-axis and your ship.

So, using good ol' SOHCAHTOA,

Sin @ = NewY/R
Cos @ = NewX/R

but remember, the computer uses radians for its trig
calculations (I think... I KNOW earlier MSBasics did, and I
don't imagine they've changed it...)

So, the angle theta you plug in has to be converted from
your coordinate system to this one, so you add ninety
degrees (PI/2 rads) to it. Then you convert it to radians.
Remember, theta is the angle between the line and the x

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Terminal Velocity Kingston *CANADA* (613)542-4613/6594, (1:249/128)
Outer Court
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