Telling Archives Aparty

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 12-31-92 (18:57)             Number: 364
From: SCOTT WUNSCH                 Refer#: NONE
  To: JOEL MASLAK                   Recvd: NO  
Subj: Telling Archives Aparty        Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Salutations, Joel!

  You're in luck, Joel.  I just saw this pass through the BASIC7 conference:

  From: Harvey Parisien, 1:249/114 (24 Dec 92 15:57)
  To:   All
  Subj: Auto unarchive detection routine
__________O_/________________/ SNIP \__________________\_O__________
          O \                \ HERE /                  / O
FUNCTION autounarc$ (arcname$)

   autounarc$ = ""
   IF NOT Exist(arcname$) THEN EXIT FUNCTION

   'get archive id markers
   ff = FREEFILE
   OPEN arcname$ FOR BINARY AS ff
   tem1$ = SPACE$(5)
   tem2$ = SPACE$(1)
   GET #ff, 1, tem1$
   GET #ff, LOF(ff) - 1, tem2$
   CLOSE ff

   'test for archive type and set unarchive command
   IF LEFT$(tem1$, 4) = "PK" + CHR$(3) + CHR$(4) THEN
      autounarc$ = "PKUNZIP -o " + arcname$
   ELSEIF RIGHT$(tem1$, 3) = "-lh" THEN
      autounarc$ = "LHA e " + arcname$
   ELSEIF LEFT$(tem1$, 2) = "`" + CHR$(234) THEN
      autounarc$ = "ARJ e " + arcname$
   ELSEIF LEFT$(tem1$, 3) = "ZOO" THEN
      autounarc$ = "ZOO e " + arcname$
   ELSEIF tem2$ = CHR$(254) THEN
      autounarc$ = "PAK e /wa " + arcname$
   ELSEIF LEFT$(tem1$, 1) = CHR$(26) THEN
      autounarc$ = "PKUNPAK /r " + arcname$
      PRINT "UNKNOWN ARCHIVE TYPE: " + arcname$


-+- PPoint 1.39 * Seasons Greetings...
 + Origin: Harvey Parisien (1:249/114)
__________O_/________________/ SNIP \__________________\_O__________
          O \                \ HERE /                  / O

  Will that help? ;)
                                               /\   LLAP...
                                             > \ cott \\'unsch <

... Tag!  You're it!

 * Origin: Point of no return -=- Regina, Sask, Canada -=- (1:140/23.1701)
Outer Court
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