BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 12-28-92 (06:12) Number: 357 From: RICH GELDREICH Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Bload Compressor/5 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Page 5 of ENCODE13.BAS begins here. SUB InitLZ77 FOR a = 0 TO (BufferSize + 1 + HashSize) - 1 NextCell(a) = Null: LastCell(a) = Null NEXT END SUB 'Initializes the ring buffer. SUB InitRingBuffer FOR a = 0 TO BufferSize - MaxMatch - 1: RingBuffer(a) = 0: NEXT END SUB 'Stores the string at R into its linked list without scanning for a 'match. SUB MakeString (BYVAL R) LinkHead = (BufferSize + 1) + ((RingBuffer(R) * 14096& XOR _ RingBuffer(R + 1) * 77 XOR RingBuffer(R + 2)) MOD HashSize) a = NextCell(LinkHead): NextCell(LinkHead) = R: LastCell(a) = R LastCell(R) = LinkHead: NextCell(R) = a END SUB 'Stores an uncompressed character and its flag to the output code 'buffer. SUB OutputChar (BYVAL a) OrMask = OrMask * 2 'send a binary 0 CodeBuffer(CodePointer) = a 'store the character CodeCounter = CodeCounter + 1 IF CodeCounter = 16 THEN 'if 16 codes the write 'em out 'write the bit flags WriteByte BitAccum AND 255: WriteByte BitAccum \ 256 'write the codes FOR a = 0 TO CodePointer: WriteByte CodeBuffer(a): NEXT CodePointer = 0: CodeCounter = 0: OrMask = 1: BitAccum = 0 ELSE CodePointer = CodePointer + 1 END IF END SUB 'Writes an EOF code to the output code buffer SUB OutputEOF BitAccum = BitAccum OR OrMask CodeBuffer(CodePointer) = 15 CodeBuffer(CodePointer + 1) = 0: CodeBuffer(CodePointer + 2) = 255 WriteByte BitAccum AND 255: WriteByte BitAccum \ 256 FOR a = 0 TO CodePointer + 2: WriteByte CodeBuffer(a): NEXT END SUB 'Outputs a match and its flag to the output code buffer. SUB OutputMatch BitAccum = BitAccum OR OrMask: OrMask = OrMask * 2 'Favor short matches(3-17 characters). IF Match.Length < 18 THEN CodeBuffer(CodePointer) = (Match.Length - (Threshold + 1)) OR _ (Match.Distance AND &HF) * 16 CodeBuffer(CodePointer + 1) = Match.Distance \ 16 CodePointer = CodePointer + 2 ELSE CodeBuffer(CodePointer) = 15 OR (Match.Distance AND &HF) * 16 CodeBuffer(CodePointer + 1) = Match.Distance \ 16 CodeBuffer(CodePointer + 2) = Match.Length - 18 CodePointer = CodePointer + 3 END IF CodeCounter = CodeCounter + 1 IF CodeCounter = 16 THEN WriteByte BitAccum AND 255: WriteByte BitAccum \ 256 FOR a = 0 TO CodePointer - 1: WriteByte CodeBuffer(a): NEXT CodePointer = 0: CodeCounter = 0: OrMask = 1: BitAccum = 0 END IF END SUB 'Stores one byte into the disk output buffer, and flushes it when it 'is full. SUB WriteByte (BYVAL a) MID$(IOBuffer$, IOPointer, 1) = CHR$(a) IOPointer = IOPointer + 1 IF IOPointer = 4097 THEN 'if buffer full then flush PUT #1, , IOBuffer$: IOPointer = 1 END IF END SUB 'Flushes the disk output buffer. SUB WriteFlush IOBuffer$ = LEFT$(IOBuffer$, IOPointer - 1): PUT #1, , IOBuffer$ END SUB The source and OBJ for the assembly decompressor follows. --- MsgToss 2.0b * Origin: Computer Co-Op - Voorhees, NJ | Ted Hare (1:266/29)
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