BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 12-27-92 (06:22) Number: 245 From: RICH GELDREICH Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Bload Compressor/4 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Page 4 of ENCODE13.BAS begins here. '-s option brings this down to 10-7 compares(can't remember exactly), 'and the -ex option increases the bombout rate to 500 compares. 'Obviously, the -ex option slows down PKZIP 1.93a because it can do 'up to ten times more string compares than usual.) ' ' One optimization that I have not seen anywhere yet speeds up the 'string search by skipping strings which can't possibly be larger 'than the largest string found up to that point... ' ' For instance, let's say we are searching for the string "the 'president eats peanuts". Let's also say the largest match we've 'found so far is "the president ", or 14 characters. The next string 'to compare against our target is "the president finds coolness in 'compression". Since the whole point of searching is to look for the 'largest match, there's no use in doing a whole string compare if the 'match will be smaller/equal to our current match. A quick compare 'of the character that must match for the match length to be larger 'will tell us if the string *may* be larger. If the character 'matches, we must do the compare. If it doesn't, then there is no 'use in doing the string compare because the match cannot possibly be 'longer. Since the 15th character of our target string is "e", and 'the 15th character of our search string is "f", it can instantly be 'discarded because the match cannot possibly be larger than 14 'characters. This especially speeds up the search when large string 'matches are found in the input stream(such as in text files). And 'since the optimization is relatively trivial, it shouldn't slow down 'the string search loop much at all when input stream is not very 'compressable. ' ' Finally, using the linked list pool to find string matches makes 'finding the closest AND longest match very simple(finding the 'closest match aids entropy encoding in attaining more compression 'because it can favor close matches over far ones). Since new 'strings are always inserted as the first string in its pool, the 'entire list is already sorted in order of distance from our current 'position in the ring buffer. SUB FindString (BYVAL R) B1 = RingBuffer(R): B2 = RingBuffer(R + 1): B3 = RingBuffer(R + 2) 'hash the first 3 characters of the string to find LinkHead = (BufferSize + 1) + ((B1 * 14096& XOR B2 * 77 XOR B3) _ MOD HashSize) Match.Length = 0: MatchChar = B1: P = LinkHead FOR x = 1 TO MaxCompares 'MaxCompares is the bombout rate 'traverse linked list P for match P = NextCell(P): IF P = Null THEN EXIT FOR 'If first 3 characters match, and the character at 'P+MatchLength=R+MatchLength, then compare strings. IF RingBuffer(P) = B1 AND RingBuffer(P + 1) = B2 AND RingBuffer_ (P + 2) = B3 AND RingBuffer(P + Match.Length) = MatchChar THEN FOR SearchLength = 3 TO (MaxMatch - 1) - 1 IF RingBuffer(R + SearchLength) <> RingBuffer(P + _ SearchLength) THEN EXIT FOR NEXT 'if matchsize=maxmatch then take it and run '(MaxMatch-1) because our look ahead buffer is one 'character longer than the maximum match length. IF SearchLength >= (MaxMatch - 1) THEN Match.Length = (MaxMatch - 1) Match.Position = P EXIT FOR END IF 'if we find a longer match then take it IF SearchLength > Match.Length THEN Match.Length = SearchLength Match.Position = P MatchChar = RingBuffer(R + Match.Length) END IF END IF NEXT 'make the new string the first entry in its linked list pool 'so we always find the closest match a = NextCell(LinkHead): NextCell(LinkHead) = R LastCell(a) = R: LastCell(R) = LinkHead: NextCell(R) = a 'Attempt to find a longer match at R+1. If there is a longer 'match, then set the match length to zero so the current match 'is ignored. IF (Match.Length <> 0) AND (Match.Length <> (MaxMatch - 1)) THEN IF FindAlternate(R + 1, Match.Length) THEN Match.Length = 0 END IF END SUB 'Returns one pixel from the display. FUNCTION GetPixel GetPixel = POINT(xp, yp): xp = xp + 1 IF xp > xh THEN LINE (xl, yp)-(xh, yp), 0 xp = xl: yp = yp + 1: DoneFlag = yp > yh END IF END FUNCTION 'Initializes the linked list pool arrays 'Continued on page 5 --- MsgToss 2.0b * Origin: Computer Co-Op - Voorhees, NJ | Ted Hare (1:266/29)
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