BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 12-27-92 (06:21) Number: 244 From: RICH GELDREICH Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Bload Compressor/3 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Page 3 of ENCODE13.BAS begins here. MakeString R END IF 'Limit match length because the look ahead buffer 'is growing smaller. This is another little oddity 'I've seen amoung the LZSS compressors, they all do 'this check outside this loop before they output a 'character/match token... There's no reason to 'check outside the loop because the string search 'function always limits the match length to the 'look ahead buffer's size. We only check when the 'look ahead buffer starts to get smaller. IF Match.Length > LookAheadLength THEN Match.Length = LookAheadLength END IF END IF NEXT LOOP WHILE LookAheadLength 'loop while still more chars to encode OutputEOF WriteFlush 'get (compressed size)-header a& = LOF(1) - 7: SCREEN 0: WIDTH 80 IF a& > 64000 THEN PRINT "Image could not be compressed." CLOSE #1: KILL F$ ELSE PRINT "Image compressed to"; a&; "bytes." IF a& > 32767 THEN a& = a& - 65536 'store the compressed size so BLOAD loads everything in a = a&: PUT #1, 6, a: CLOSE #1 END IF END SUB 'Deletes the string at S from the linked list pool. SUB DeleteString (BYVAL S) NextCell = NextCell(S): LastCell = LastCell(S) NextCell(LastCell) = NextCell: LastCell(NextCell) = LastCell NextCell(S) = Null END SUB 'Attempts to find a match at R+1 that is larger than the match found 'at R, to get rid of some of the encoder's "greedy" characteristics. FUNCTION FindAlternate (BYVAL R, BYVAL MatchLength) B1 = RingBuffer(R): B2 = RingBuffer(R + 1): B3 = RingBuffer(R + 2) 'hash out the first three characters of the string to locate P = (BufferSize + 1) + ((B1 * 14096& XOR B2 * 77 XOR B3) MOD _ HashSize) MatchChar = RingBuffer(R + MatchLength) FOR x = 1 TO MaxCompares P = NextCell(P) 'traverse linked list P for a match 'if we struck bottom then search failed IF P = Null THEN FindAlternate = False: EXIT FUNCTION 'compare string P to string R IF RingBuffer(P) = B1 AND RingBuffer(P + 1) = B2 AND RingBuffer_ (P + 2) = B3 AND RingBuffer(P + MatchLength) = MatchChar THEN FOR SearchLength = 3 TO (MaxMatch - 1) - 1 IF RingBuffer(R + SearchLength) <> RingBuffer(P + _ SearchLength) THEN EXIT FOR NEXT 'if we find a longer match then exit with success IF SearchLength > MatchLength THEN FindAlternate = True: _ EXIT FUNCTION END IF NEXT FindAlternate = False END FUNCTION 'Attempts to locate a match in the linked list pool for R. Most 'other LZ77/LZSS implementations I've seen use a binary tree to 'locate string matches. In this implementation, I use a pool of 'linked lists to locate strings. Each linked list contains strings 'which all start with the same 3 characters. (Well, usually. Since 'hash collisions can occur, sometimes a linked list contains two or 'more different strings. This isn't cool, and can't be eliminated 'unless another approach to collision handling is used.) ' ' To locate a string, its linked list is located through a simple 'hashing formula(which was home brewed, BTW, so it may not be that 'optimal), and then each string in the list is compared against our 'target string until we either find a string which matches perfectly 'or the "bombout" variable is decremented to zero. The bombout rate 'defines the number of string compares which may be performed until 'the algorithm stops searching and settles with what it has. This 'decreases compression slightly, but greatly increases compression 'speed, especially when the input stream contains large runs of 'repeated data. (ARJ adjusts its bombout rate with command line 'options: options -m4 to -m0 vary the number of compares it does 'against its string directionary, therefore "dialing" in compression 'speed vs. compression ratio. PKZIP 1.93a does this also. 'Normally, PKZIP 1.93a will set its bombout rate to 50 compares. The 'Continued on page 4 --- MsgToss 2.0b * Origin: Computer Co-Op - Voorhees, NJ | Ted Hare (1:266/29)
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