BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 12-27-92 (06:20) Number: 243 From: RICH GELDREICH Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Bload Compressor/2 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Page 2 of ENCODE13.BAS begins here. REDIM image(32000): DEF SEG = VARSEG(image(0)) BLOAD "coolfile.bci", VARPTR(image(0)) 'Load the compressed data. PRINT "Press a key to decompress.": B$ = INPUT$(1): SCREEN 13 'Call the asm routine to decompress the image. Decom13 VARSEG(image(0)), VARPTR(image(0)): B$ = INPUT$(1) 'Compresses a SCREEN 13 image to a BLOADable file. Use the ASM sub 'Decom13 to decompress the image back to the screen. This routine 'currently crawls, because I didn't optimize it that much. 'The entire palette is also saved to the compressed file, SUB Compress13 (F$) OPEN F$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1: CLOSE : OPEN F$ FOR BINARY AS #1 'Store the BLOAD header and image signature. a$ = CHR$(&HFD) + CHR$(0) + CHR$(&HA0) + STRING$(4, 0) + "RG" PUT #1, , a$ 'Initialize a 4k disk output buffer IOBuffer$ = SPACE$(4096): IOPointer = 1 CodePointer = 0: CodeCounter = 0: OrMask = 1: BitAccum = 0 'Write the screen's palette. OUT &H3C7, 0: FOR a = 0 TO 767: WriteByte INP(&H3C9): NEXT DoneFlag = False: xl = 0: yl = 0: xh = 319: yh = 199 xp = xl: yp = yl 'coordinate of next point to compress InitRingBuffer 'clear the ring buffer InitLZ77 'initialize the linked list pool 'prime the look ahead buffer S = 0: R = BufferSize - MaxMatch FOR LookAheadLength = 0 TO MaxMatch - 1 IF DoneFlag THEN EXIT FOR ELSE RingBuffer(R + LookAheadLength) = GetPixel END IF NEXT 'find first string FindString R DO 'if match too small(less than 3 chars), the just output 'a single character IF Match.Length <= Threshold THEN OutputChar RingBuffer(R): Last.Match.Length = 1 ELSE 'output a string match token Last.Match.Length = Match.Length 'Send the match's distance, instead of its position in 'the ring buffer, because the decompressor is not using a 'ring buffer to store the decompressed data. Match.Distance = (R - Match.Position) AND (BufferSize - 1) OutputMatch END IF 'prime the look ahead buffer with more characters FOR a = 0 TO Last.Match.Length - 1 IF DoneFlag THEN EXIT FOR 'exit this loop if no more chars 'delete string at S, then store a new char at S DeleteString S: RingBuffer(S) = GetPixel 'keep a "ghost buffer" at the end of the ring buffer to 'avoid using a logical AND on all of our buffer pointers IF S < (MaxMatch - 1) THEN RingBuffer(S + BufferSize) = RingBuffer(S) END IF S = (S + 1) AND (BufferSize - 1) R = (R + 1) AND (BufferSize - 1) 'if not last time through loop then just add string to the 'linked list pool, otherwise add it and find a match '(this could be optimized so the IF/THEN conditional is 'removed from inside this loop) IF a = (Last.Match.Length - 1) THEN FindString R ELSE MakeString R END IF NEXT FOR a = a TO Last.Match.Length - 1 'this loop is active when no more characters are available 'from the input stream 'Kill string at S, not sure if this is needed because 'we're not storing any characters in its place. I see 'no reason to do it, but this is one of those little 'quirks that all LZSS implementations I've seen have... ? DeleteString S S = (S + 1) AND (BufferSize - 1) R = (R + 1) AND (BufferSize - 1) LookAheadLength = LookAheadLength - 1 IF LookAheadLength THEN IF a = (Last.Match.Length - 1) THEN FindString R ELSE 'Continued on page 3 --- MsgToss 2.0b * Origin: Computer Co-Op - Voorhees, NJ | Ted Hare (1:266/29)
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