Re: scroll part 2 of 3

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 12-27-92 (12:27)             Number: 390
From: DIK COATES                   Refer#: NONE
  To: CORIDON HENSHAW               Recvd: NO  
Subj: Re: scroll part 2 of 3         Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
This is the second bunch.... of 3

It has routines used with the first listing...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Cut on Dashed Line - - - - - - - - - - -

'************************************************************ SUB CommandLine
' Procedure returns command line arguments.  Arguments must be separated by
' spaces, tabs, or "/".  A maximum of 32 arguments can be returned in a
' array.  The array must be declared as a dynamic array from the calling
' program.
' RET:  narg%   - number of arguments on the command line
'       arg$()  - string array listing arguments
' REV:  91-10-28 header format
SUB CommandLine (narg%, arg$())

  cl$ = COMMAND$
  l% = LEN(cl$)

  FOR c% = 1 TO l%
    temp$ = MID$(cl$, c%, 1)

    IF temp$ = " " OR temp$ = CHR$(9) OR temp$ = "/" THEN
      flag% = 0
      IF NOT flag% THEN
        narg% = narg% + 1
        flag% = -1
      END IF

      arg$(narg%) = arg$(narg%) + UCASE$(temp$)
    END IF
  NEXT c%

END SUB' CommandLine

'******************************************************** FUNCTION FILEEXIST%
' Procedure determines if a file exists.  If file exists, then a -1 is
' returned, otherwise a 0 is returned.  Procedure avoids using ON ERROR call.
' CALL: FILEEXIST% (filename$)
' ARG:  filename$ - full path and filename of file to be tested
' COMP: MS Basic 7.1
' REV:  91-10-30


  IF LEN(DIR$(filename$)) = 0 THEN
    FILEEXIST% = 0


'******************************************************** SUBPROGRAM ScrollDn
'   Procedure scrolls the display window specified by the top and bottom rows
'   and the left and right columns down by a number of declared rows.  The
'   space left behind is changed to the colour attribute of the background.
'   CALL:   ScrollDn (trow%, icol%, brow%, fcol%, numrow%, bga%)
'   ARG:  trow%   =   top row of window to be scrolled
'         icol%   =   initial column of window
'         brow%   =   bottom row of window
'         fcol%   =   final column of window
'         numrow% =   number of rows to be scrolled down
'         bga%    =   background colour attribute
'   USES: Interrupt()
'   COMP: MS Basic 7.1
'   REV:  91-11-13
SUB ScrollDn (trow%, icol%, brow%, fcol%, numrow%, bga%)

  DIM InReg AS RegType, OutReg AS RegType

  tr% = trow% - 1
  ic% = icol% - 1
  br% = brow% - 1
  fc% = fcol% - 1
  temp% = bga%

  IF temp% < 0 OR temp% > 15 THEN
    temp% = 0

  temp% = temp% * 16 = 1792 + numrow%
  InReg.bx = temp% * 256 = tr% * 256 + ic%
  InReg.dx = br% * 256 + fc%
  CALL Interrupt(&H10, InReg, OutReg)

END SUB 'ScrollDn

'******************************************************** SUBPROGRAM ScrollUp
'   Procedure scrolls the display window specified by the top and bottom rows
'   and the left and right columns up by a number of declared rows.  The
'   space left behind is changed to the colour attribute of the background.
'   CALL:   ScrollUp (trow%, icol%, brow%, fcol%, numrow%, bga%)
'   ARG:  trow%   =   top row of window to be scrolled
'         icol%   =   initial column of window
'         brow%   =   bottom row of window
'         fcol%   =   final column of window
'         numrow% =   number of rows to be scrolled up
'         bga%    =   background colour attribute
'   USES:   Interrupt()
'   COMP:   MS Basic 7.1
'   REV:   91-11-13
Outer Court
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