BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 12-25-92 (11:20) Number: 295 From: GLENN DELAHOY Refer#: NONE To: DICK DENNISON Recvd: NO Subj: Bbs Design Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
> We always need good code. Ok you asked for it.... If your are writing a door for a bbs that uses the fossil then you don't need to set the baud or handshaking as the fossil, when restarted, will use the current settings. Remember the fossil expects port 0 = COM1, port 1 = COM2 etc. port 255 = local. FUNCTION SetBaud (PortNum, Baud) DIM inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegType 'best to use open CONS for local output IF PortNum = 255 THEN EXIT FUNCTION ' high 3 bits of AL IF Baud = 38400 THEN = 35 ' 001 = 38400 '' (Replaces old 150 baud mask) IF Baud = 19200 THEN = 3 ' 000 = 19200 '' (Replaces old 110 baud mask) IF Baud = 9600 THEN = 227 ' 111 = 9600 '' IF Baud = 4800 THEN = 195 ' 110 = 4800 '' IF Baud = 2400 THEN = 163 ' 101 = 2400 '' IF Baud = 1200 THEN = 131 ' 100 = 1200 '' IF Baud = 600 THEN = 99 ' 011 = 600 '' IF Baud = 300 THEN = 67 ' 010 = 300 baud inreg.dx = PortNum CALL Interrupt(&H14, inreg, outreg) SetBaud = ' ' bit 7 carrier detect ' 6 output buffer empty ' 5 output buffer not full ' 4 ' 3 always 1 ' 2 ' 1 input buffer overrun ' 0 characters in input buffer END FUNCTION FUNCTION StartFossil (PortNum) DIM inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegType = &H400 'FOSSIL function 04h inreg.dx = PortNum 'Port number (0=COM1) inreg.flags = 512 'Keeps interrupts enabled CALL Interrupt(&H14, inreg, outreg) 'Call X00 'If installed X00 returns &H1954 IF = &H1954 THEN StartFossil = outreg.bx \ 256 ELSE StartFossil = 0 END IF END FUNCTION SUB WritePort (PortNum, Tx$) DIM InRegX AS RegTypeX, OutRegX AS RegTypeX IF PortNum = 255 THEN EXIT SUB Buffer$ = Tx$ DO WHILE LEN(Buffer$) > 0 'if not local then check for carrier before xmit IF CarrierDetect = 1 THEN IF (StatusRequest(PortNum) AND 128) <> 128 THEN ERROR 255 END IF = &H1900 = LEN(Buffer$) InRegX.dx = PortNum = SSEG(Buffer$) 'qb 7.1 ' = VARSEG(Buffer$) 'qb 4.5 InRegX.di = SADD(Buffer$) CALL InterruptX(&H14, InRegX, OutRegX) 'number of chars actually sent numberchars = Buffer$ = RIGHT$(Buffer$, LEN(Buffer$) - numberchars) LOOP ' will attempt to move the whole string ' returns actual number of characters moved ' if not all characters are moved then ' keep looping until done ' AH = 19h Write block (transfer from user buffer to FOSSIL) ' ' Parameters: ' Entry: CX = Maximum number of characters to transfer ' DX = Port number ' ES = Segment of user buffer ' DI = Offset into ES of user buffer ' Exit: AX = Number of characters actually transferred END SUB FUNCTION StatusRequest (PortNum) DIM inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegType IF PortNum = 255 THEN 'dummy carrier for local StatusRequest = 128 EXIT FUNCTION END IF = &H300 inreg.dx = PortNum CALL Interrupt(&H14, inreg, outreg) StatusRequest = ' AL = Modem status, where: ' Bit 0 = Delta clear to send (not reliable) ' Bit 1 = Delta data set ready (not reliable) ' Bit 2 = Delta data carrier detect (not reliable) ' Bit 3 = Always set to 1 upon return (DUMMY DCD) ' Bit 4 = Clear to send (CTS) ' Bit 5 = Data set ready (DSR) ' Bit 6 = Ring indicator (RI) ' Bit 7 = Data carrier detect (DCD) 'use bit 6 to detect the modem ringing END FUNCTION Regards, Glenn --- FMail 0.92 * Origin: Rough Productions -V32- (059) 983 639 (3:635/572)
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