BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 12-21-92 (11:46) Number: 378 From: PETER BARNEY Refer#: NONE To: IAN BUTLER Recvd: NO Subj: GIF to BASIC Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
> OPEN "filename.MAP" FOR INPUT AS #1 > SCREEN 13 > FOR A%=1 TO 63 > INPUT #1,BLUE% > INPUT #1,GREEN% > INPUT #1,RED% > PALETTE A%,RED%*65536+GREEN%*256+BLUE% > NEXT A% > BLOAD "filename.BAS" > END I saw your program, and I thought you ight be interested in some faster code for changing the palettes. Try: --------------------------------------------------- '$INCLUDE: 'QBX.BI' 'or QB.BI DEFINT A-Z SCREEN 13 OPEN "filename.MAP" FOR INPUT AS #1 DO WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, b INPUT #1, g INPUT #1, r pal$ = pal$ + CHR$(r) + CHR$(g) + CHR$(b) LOOP DIM Regs AS RegTypeX = &H1012 Regs.bx = 0 = LEN(pal$) / 3 '# of colors to change Regs.dx = SADD(pal$) 'varptr = SSEG(pal$) 'varseg InterruptX &H10, Regs, Regs --------------------------------------------------- If you replace this with your palette color-changing code, you'll see a dramatic increase in speed. (Note: some programs that output MAP files use 8-bit values (0-255) for the color instead of 0-63 like QB wants. If your MAP color values range from 0-255, change the last line in the DO..LOOP block to read: pal$ = pal$ + CHR$(r \ 4) + CHR$(g \ 4) + CHR$(b \ 4) ) --- FMail 0.92 * Origin: Pete's Place - Toledo, Ohio (1:234/35.1)
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Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (including Tiny BASIC)
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Moths in the Machine: The Power and Perils of Programming
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