BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 12-13-92 (02:10) Number: 295 From: JOE NEGRON Refer#: NONE To: JOHN GALLAS Recvd: NO Subj: keyboard repeat speed Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
JG> Is there any way I can increase the keyboard repeat speed? Here you go: ============================== Begin code ============================== DEFINT A-Z '$INCLUDE: '' DECLARE SUB SetKBRate (InitDelay%, RepeatRate%) SetKBRate 35, 250 SYSTEM '*********************************************************************** '* SUB SetKBRate '* '* PURPOSE '* Uses BIOS ISR 16H, Service 03H (Set Typematic Rate and Delay) to '* set the typematic rate of an AT keyboard. '* '* EXTERNAL ROUTINE(S) '* QBX.LIB '* ------- '* SUB Interrupt (IntNum%, IRegs AS RegType, ORegs AS RegType) '*********************************************************************** SUB SetKBRate (InitDelay%, RepeatRate%) STATIC DIM IRegs AS RegType, ORegs AS RegType = &H305 IRegs.bx = InitDelay% * 256 + RepeatRate% Interrupt &H16, IRegs, ORegs END SUB =============================== End code =============================== Make sure that you start QB with the "/L" command line switch. Note that you *must* have an AT for this routine to work. --Joe in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY-- Sun 12-13-1992, 02:10 * SLMR 2.1a * Press Esc to load the BBS, or Alt-H for IQ test. --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: * BlueDog BBS * (212) 594-4425 * NYC FileBone Hub (1:278/709)
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