BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 12-10-92 (08:20) Number: 354 From: RON PIERCE Refer#: NONE To: TERRY ROSSI Recvd: NO Subj: Word wrap code Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
TR>so the the next line begins with a complete word. Anybody have any TR>ideas? Hi Terry. WHat you need to do is locate the last " " (SPACE) in the string you are processing and clip the string there and "carry-over" the remainder of the string as a new string. Here is some sample code which should do this. ' ==================================================================== ' ===================== Word Wrap Subroutine ======================= ' ==================================================================== ' Max% = Maximum length allowed for "b$" (the string we are processing ' CurLen% = Length of String we are processing ' b$ = String being processed ' b1$ = String containing what's "left over" from b$ after wrap CurLen% = LEN(b$) IF CurLen% >= Max% THEN ' FOR Posit% = LEN(b$) TO 1 STEP -1 i% = ASC(MID$(b$, Posit%, 1)) IF i% = 32 THEN IF Curlen% = Max% THEN b$ = LEFT$(b$, Posit% -1) EXIT FOR ELSE IF Posit% < Max% THEN b1$ = MID$(b$, Posit% +1) ' "remainder" String b$ = LEFT$(b$, Posit% - 1) ' Return "wrapped" b$ EXIT FOR END IF END IF END IF NEXT Posit% '====================================================================== The above is untested but should "almost" work. I use assembler to speed this up but actually it is fast enough with BASIC code alone. Ron * SLMR 2.0 #1376 * Whatever became of the ROCK Band "Cactus" (1970) --- WM v2.05/92-0545 * Origin: Toast House - (314) 994-0312 - (1:100/560)
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