Area: Quik_Bas Msg: #289 Date: 12-11-92 06:33 (Public) From: Steve Gartrell To: Geoffrey Liu Subject: Rotate GET/PUT arrays
'For big arrays, this screams for conversion to assembly. 'But, using this, it's just a translation job. 'Remember, this is a pixel by pixel rotation, so at 'angles other than 0 or 180, lettering is reversed. (You'd 'need to approach it in blocks the size of a standard 'character in whichever screen mode you were in, to do 'writing. I wasn't going to do it all!!!) DEFINT A-Z DECLARE SUB RotateArray (SourceArray%(), TargetArray%(), Angle%) 'Must have the appropriate QB.QLB/QBX.QLB/VBDOS.QLB loaded ' if in the environment-link with appropriate library.... DECLARE SUB ABSOLUTE (Var%, BYVAL HowFar%, address AS INTEGER) CONST C$ = "Created 12/01/92 by Steve Gartrell" CONST NumBytes = 21 '$STATIC DIM SHARED RORproc%(1 TO (NumBytes / 2)) '$DYNAMIC DIM SHARED BitsPP%, Planes%, MaskBits% DIM TheScreens%(1 TO 9) offset% = VARPTR(RORproc%(1)) FOR byte% = 0 TO NumBytes - 1 READ opcode% POKE (offset% + byte%), opcode% NEXT byte% TheScreens%(1) = 1 TheScreens%(2) = 2 TheScreens%(3) = 7 TheScreens%(4) = 8 TheScreens%(5) = 9 TheScreens%(6) = 11 TheScreens%(7) = 12 TheScreens%(8) = 13 KEY OFF ScrCnt% = 8 DO SCREEN TheScreens%(ScrCnt%) MaskBits% = 128 SELECT CASE TheScreens%(ScrCnt%) CASE 1 'Screen 1 MaskBits% = 192 BitsPP% = 2: Planes% = 1 ColorMod% = 3 CASE 2 'Screen 2 BitsPP% = 1: Planes% = 1 ColorMod% = 2 CASE 7 'Screen 7 BitsPP% = 1: Planes% = 4 ColorMod% = 16 CASE 8 'Screen 8 BitsPP% = 1: Planes% = 4 ColorMod% = 16 CASE 9 'Screen 9 BitsPP% = 1: Planes% = 4 ColorMod% = 16 CASE 11 'Screen 11 BitsPP% = 1: Planes% = 1 ColorMod% = 2 CASE 12 'Screen 12 BitsPP% = 1: Planes% = 4 ColorMod% = 16 CASE 13 'Screen 13 MaskBits% = 255 BitsPP% = 8: Planes% = 1 ColorMod% = 256 END SELECT StartX% = 119: StartY% = 55: EndX% = 199: EndY% = 135 ArrayBytes& = 4 + INT(((EndX% - StartX% + 1)_ * (BitsPP%) + 7) / 8) * Planes% * ((EndY% - StartY%) + 1) REDIM SourceArray%(0 TO ArrayBytes& \ 2) REDIM BlankArray%(0 TO ArrayBytes& \ 2) REDIM TargetArray%(0 TO 20) GET (StartX%, StartY%)-(EndX%, EndY%), BlankArray%(0) FOR TheLine% = 1 TO 24 LOCATE TheLine%, 1 FOR cnt% = 33 TO 72 SELECT CASE TheScreens%(ScrCnt%) CASE 1, 2, 11 CASE ELSE COLOR cnt% MOD ColorMod% END SELECT PRINT CHR$(cnt%); NEXT IF TheLine% <> 24 THEN PRINT NEXT GET (StartX%, StartY%)-(EndX%, EndY%), SourceArray%(0) DO DO: t$ = UCASE$(INKEY$): LOOP UNTIL LEN(t$) SELECT CASE t$ CASE "Q" 'QUIT!!!!! SCREEN 0: WIDTH 80: COLOR 7, 0: END CASE "N" 'CHANGE SCREEN MODE!!! ScrCnt% = ScrCnt% + 1 IF ScrCnt% = 9 THEN ScrCnt% = 1 EXIT DO CASE ELSE 'ROTATE!!!! Angle% = (Angle% + 90) MOD 360 RotateArray SourceArray%(), TargetArray%(), Angle% WAIT &H3DA, 8, 8 WAIT &H3DA, 8 PUT (StartX%, StartY%), BlankArray%(0), PSET PUT (StartX%, StartY%), TargetArray%(0), PSET ERASE TargetArray% END SELECT LOOP LOOP RotRight: DATA &H55 : 'push bp DATA &H8B,&HEC : 'mov bp, sp DATA &H51 : 'push cx DATA &H8B,&H4E,&H06 : 'mov cx, [bp + 6] DATA &H8B,&H5E,&H08 : 'mov bx, [bp + 8] DATA &H8B,&H07 : 'mov ax, [bx] DATA &HD2,&HC8 : 'ror al, cl DATA &H89,&H07 : 'mov [bx], ax DATA &H59 : 'pop cx DATA &H5D : 'pop bp DATA &HCA,&H04,&H00 : 'retf 4 REM $STATIC DEFSNG A-Z SUB RotateArray (SourceArray%(), TargetArray%(), Angle%) DIM SourcePix%(1 TO 4) DIM SourceBitsPP%, SourceBytesPerRow&, SourceRowOffset& DIM SourceX%, SourceY%, BytePosCopy&, SourceBytePos& DIM SourceRightMove%, SourceBitMask%, SourceToTargetDiff% DIM TargetBitsPP%, TargetBytesPerRow&, TargetRowOffset& DIM TargetRightMove%, TargetBytePos&, TargetX%, TargetY% DIM WhichBits%, NumCols%, NumRows% SELECT CASE BitsPP% CASE 1 WhichBits% = 7 CASE 2 WhichBits% = 3 CASE 8 WhichBits% = 0 END SELECT SourceBitsPP% = SourceArray%(0) NumCols% = SourceBitsPP% \ BitsPP% NumRows% = SourceArray%(1) IF Angle% MOD 180 THEN 'Make it square if it's not!!! SELECT CASE NumRows% - NumCols% CASE IS < 0 NumCols% = NumRows% CASE IS > 0 NumRows% = NumCols% END SELECT END IF TargetBitsPP% = NumCols% * BitsPP% IF TargetBitsPP% AND 7 THEN TargetBytesPerRow& = (TargetBitsPP% \ 8 + 1) * Planes% ELSE TargetBytesPerRow& = (TargetBitsPP% \ 8) * Planes% END IF REDIM TargetArray%(0 TO ((TargetBytesPerRow& * NumRows%) \ 2) + 2) TargetArray%(0) = TargetBitsPP% TargetArray%(1) = NumRows% TargetBytesPerPlane% = TargetBytesPerRow& \ Planes% IF SourceBitsPP% MOD 8 THEN SourceBytesPerPlane% = (SourceBitsPP% \ 8 + 1) ELSE SourceBytesPerPlane% = (SourceBitsPP% \ 8) END IF SourceBytesPerRow& = SourceBytesPerPlane% * Planes% SourceRowOffset& = 4 SourceBytePos& = SourceRowOffset& SourceRightMove% = 0 SourceBitMask% = MaskBits% FOR SourceY% = 0 TO NumRows% - 1 FOR SourceX% = 0 TO NumCols% - 1 SELECT CASE Angle% CASE 90 TargetX% = NumRows% - SourceY% - 1 TargetY% = NumCols% - SourceX% - 1 CASE 180 TargetX% = NumCols% - SourceX% - 1 TargetY% = NumRows% - SourceY% - 1 CASE 270 TargetX% = SourceY% TargetY% = SourceX% CASE ELSE TargetX% = SourceX% TargetY% = SourceY% END SELECT TargetRowOffset& = (TargetY% * TargetBytesPerRow&) + 4 TargetBytePos& = TargetRowOffset& + ((TargetX% * BitsPP%) \ 8) TargetRightMove% = TargetX% AND WhichBits% IF BitsPP% = 2 THEN TargetRightMove% = TargetRightMove% + TargetRightMove% END IF SourceToTargetDiff% = (TargetRightMove% - SourceRightMove% + 8) AND 7 BytePosCopy& = SourceBytePos& DEF SEG = VARSEG(SourceArray%(0)) FOR PlaneNum% = 1 TO Planes% SourcePix%(PlaneNum%) = (PEEK(BytePosCopy&) AND SourceBitMask%) BytePosCopy& = BytePosCopy& + SourceBytesPerPlane% NEXT IF SourceToTargetDiff% THEN DEF SEG RotRight% = VARPTR(RORproc%(1)) -end-
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